The nice thing about advantages and disadvantages questions is the fact that you can change a lot of part 3 speaking questions intoadvantagesanddisadvantagesquestions .
Example:Shouldparentslimittheamountoffastfoodtheirchildreneat?You can say: Yes,theyshouldbecausefastfoodhasalotofdisadvantages.Great, you have just switched the question into disadvantages question .
Moreover, this kind of language is something that comes up in task 2 writing.
Use introducing advantages phrases:
One of the main advantages of X is…. One of the main benefits of X is….
Another good thing about X is…..
One more great thing about X is… Example: Oneofthemainbenefits/advantagesofowningacaristhatitisconvenient(longdistancetravel) Anothergoodthingaboutowningacarisweatherprotection. Onemoregreatthingaboutcarownershipistime-consuming/savealotoftimecomparedtopublictransportation/carrymorepeople. Then you simply signal something like “in contrast/however/on the otherhand”and tell the listener that you have done talking about the advantages, now you are talking about the disadvantages.
The main disadvantage of X is: Themaindisadvantageoflivinginamoderncityisthenoise.(About the environment)
One drawback of X is: Onedrawbackofowningacaristhatit’sveryexpensive. (About finance)
One disadvantage of X is: Onedisadvantageofowningacarisbeingabletofindaparkingspaceinmajorcities. “A car offers a lot of conveniences, but it can be inconvenient too.”“Althoughacarisveryconvenient,sometimesit’sveryinconvenient.” “Itcanbeagreatconveniencetoownacar.However,itcanbeinconvenient, for example, in many cities, owing a car could cause you to get stuck in thetrafficjambecausecarsarenotasmoveableasmotorbikes.Moreover,trendtofind parking can be a problem because there are not a lot of areas for carparkinginmajorcities.” “Althoughcarsshowpeoplehowrichyouare,theydocostalotofmoney(taxes,gas,parking,services...)”
Does fast food have any positive effect on society?
You could say: Yes,itdoes.Oneoftheadvantagesoffastfoodisthatitisveryconvenient. How? Now you need to explain how it is convenient.
WhatImeaniswhenpeopleareverybusy,theycanstopsomewhereandgetsomethingdelicioustoeat,anditdoesn’ttakeverylong…… Some good language here: concession&contrast.
Somethingistrue at the same time somethingelseistrue .
Hypotheticals are very important when it comes to part 1 and part 2 speaking. When they give you a hypothetical question, they are signaling that they want a certain kind of answer. They are signaling that they want a certain type of grammar here. That’s very important that we understand hypotheticals.
A hypothetical is animaginarysituation . If we are talking about the future, it’s an imaginary situation. What you need to pay attention to hypotheticals will be dealingwiththemodalverbs “would/could/should” . You might hear these questions in part 1 speaking “would/could/should” like “would you ever rideyourmotorbikewithoutyourhelmet?”It is a hypothetical question.
You even might get hypotheticalquestionsinthepast .
We talk about things that we would do. When we talk about things that we would do, we need to signal that we are talking about things in the past; and you’re talking about things that you did a lot in the past. For example, you might say:
IhadalotoffunwhenIwasakid.MyfriendsandIwouldoftengotothebeach,andsometimesweplayedfootball.Occasionally,wewouldgotothemovie. So what I am saying “wewouldoftengotothebeach”; “wewouldgotothemovie” I’m using the same modal verbs that I am using for the future tense, but I’m using them in the past. I’m signaling that I am talking in the past. It’s a very useful grammar structure because you are talking with the examiner about things that you did a lot in the past.
When it comes to the part 2 speaking, if the examiner gives you a hypothetical question, they are going to ask you to talk about the future.
Do you live in an apartment or a house?
Iliveinanapartment.Is this a good answer? Of course, not. What should you say?
Iliveinabigapartmentwiththreeclassmatesonthecornerof….(much better).
Which is the best room?
Whatwouldyouliketochange?( Pay attention to the modal “would”)
IwouldchangethecolorofmywallsI’dpaintmywalls I’dbuildabookshelf. I’dbuyabigTelevision. PRACTICEQUESTIONS What are the advantages of owning and using a car? What are the disadvantages?
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media websites?