The examiner will give you questions about your OPINION , not a FACTandthentheywillaskyou“doyouagreewiththisopinion?” They won’t ask you questions like “JapanisinAsia.Howmuchdoyouagreewiththat?”, “Ihaveasandwichforlunch.Doyouagreeordisagree?” These questions mustbeopinions . They cannot ask you agree or disagree with a fact. It doesn’t make sense if they give you a fact.
Of course, when they ask you “doyouagree?”Or “doyoudisagree?” What kind of question they are asking you? Openorclosedquestion? Definitely closedquestion . And the first thing you will do is to answer the question:
So that is the first thing you need to think about it. Go back to part 1 speaking, answer “yes/no”to show your answer to the question.
Is it ok for us to say that we kindofagree but we also kindofdisagree ? Definitely yes , and you could use phrases like this:
I can see your point, but… (talkaboutwhatyoudisagreewith )
I agree with that up to a point, but…. (I disagree with other things -- talkaboutwhatyoudisagreewith ).
I kind of agree with that… (I disagree with other things -- talkaboutwhatyoudisagreewith ).
You can just give them abasicgeneralstatement like “well,Iagreewithsomepointsofthat,butsomepointsofthatIdisagreewith” So, what is really important here is that you are giving a clear first opinion so the examiner could know what you are talking about. Are you talking about oneside (agree or disagree) or are you talking about both sides (agree and disagree) . It makes a big difference because you may have grammar problem, vocabulary
problem and pronunciation problem; but if your answer is not clear right away, the examiner is really having a hard time figuring out “what are youanswering?”,“Willyoubeexplainingsomething?”because your main idea is not clear.
Honestly,Iabsolutelydisagreewithyoubecause…Honestly, I totally disagree with you because…I’mafraidthatIdisagreewithyoubecause… I’msorry,butIcan’tpossiblyagreewiththatbecause… The reason why you agree and disagree with these phrases are you can talking about causeandeffectlogic.
Forexample:IhateiPhonesbecausetheyareexpensiveandhaveashortbatterylife.Asaresult/therefore,IpreferSamsung. You can talk about causeandeffectin multiple ways here:
Eatingfastfoodleadstodiabetes. Alotofchildreneatfastfood.Asaresult,thisleadsthemtohaveobesity.
Certain, fairly certain, or uncertain.
Certain: I would say this does not mean 100%; it’s about 80%, 90%. (It’squitelikely/highlylikely/verylikely/extremelylikely.) Fairlycertain:itislikely/probable/possible. Uncertain:it’squiteunlikely/highlyunlikely/veryunlikely/extremelyunlikely.
Bynextweek,IwillhavetakentheIELTS.Bynextweek,Iwillhavesoldmybike. Bynextweek,Iwillhaveclimbedthemountain. All of them are finished actions by a certain time in the future . In order to use the future perfect, you will need Will + have + past participle + atime . We can’t have a finished action in the future if we don’t tell when we finish. So you need to be able to say “IwillhaveclimbedthemountainbynextSaturday.”Or “IwillhavetakentheexambyTuesday.”
Future continuous is anactioninprogressinthefuture .
Example:How will the transportation develop in your city in the next 10 years?
How do you produce your main idea?
Your main idea is going to be this: Giventhattheyhavestartedbuildingthetraininthemiddleofthecity.Ithinkitisverylikelythatatrainwillhavebeenbuiltinthenextdecade. And now you are going to explain by using maybe conditionals , causeandeffect …
“WhatImeaniswehavealotofpollutioninmycityandonewaytoreducethisis to build more public transportation. So, the government has invested in thetrainandtheyareplanningtofinishinthenext10years.” Explain by giving some details about “whyweneedatrain?”,“whowoulduse thetrain?”,“whattheeffectwillbe?”, You can make prediction: inmyopinion,Ibelievethetrainisgoingtobeverypopular.Ithinkit’sextremelylikelythatfewerpeopleridemotorbikes,andmorepeoplewillbetakingthetrain.
Example:Will robots become common in people’s lives in the future?
Giventhat,peoplearesobusyatthejobthesedays.Ithinkit’shighlyprobablethat people will have a robot to help their everyday needs. For example,housewives who have to take care of their children and might have a part timejob,theycouldusearobottohelpcleanhouseorsendtherobottothemarkettobuyvegetables,andIthinkthisisveryhelpfulandIhopethatIwillhavearobotofmyownsomeday.Iwouldreallylikeone. PRACTICEQUESTIONS Will people live on another planet someday in your lifetime?
In your lifetime, will there be any significant changes to the way people travel?
Do you think going to the cinema will be more or less popular in the future?
Do you think the traditional duties of men and women will change in the future?
In the next few decades, do you think traditional food in your country will change?
How do you think technology will affect education in the future?
What effect will Facebook and Twitter have on cultural exchange as increasing numbers of people in the world use the Internet?
What role might environmental problems play in where people live in the future?
What do you think city life will be like in the future? Will the countryside change?
Do you think it is likely that robots will replace humans in common tasks in your lifetime?