Bothofthemarereallyfun.However(nowyoustarttalkingaboutoneofthem)dogshavemorepersonalityandareveryloyal(positive).But,theycanrequiremoretimeandabiggerhometotakecareofthemproperly(negative).Cats,ontheotherhanddonotneedasmuchspaceasdogs(positive).Also,theyaremucmore independent (positive) . However, they can be less friendly than dogs(negative). STEP3: Makingyourchoice:
Giventheoption(whatIamdoinghereissignalingthatIammakingmychoice)wouldprefertohaveadogbecausetheyareeasiertohaveastrongrelationship with. Adjectives: you can use adjectives in your answer to describe things or people. Be sure to use adjectives with proper forms “V-ED” or “V-ING” exactly.
V-EDadjective: is used for the person or the thing doingafeeling .
V-INGadjective: is used for the thing causingthefeeling .
Example1: You are at the theater. When you are watching the movie, someone who is sitting next to you is talking. They are annoying. That’s why you feel annoyed.
Example2: When you go to the beach. The beach is so relaxing. That’s why you feel so relaxed.
Example3: I was very excitedbecause the movie was so exciting. Example4: I wasn’t boredbecause the movie was so exciting.
Remember to explain your adjectives. Don’tleave these adjectives unclear . You
should explain them by answering the question “why?” and giving examples . WhyAbetterthanB? Whywasthemoviesointeresting? Relative Clauses/ Relative Pronouns: you can use relative clauses or relative pronouns and past participle to add specific details in your answer. For example:
“Ireallylikejumpingintotheriver.Thisisalotoffun.”“This”is a relativepronoun .
You can make this sentence by using a relative clause “Ireallylikejumpingintotheriver,whichisalotoffun.” Ilikepeoplewhogivememoney.Ilikeactivitiesthatarehealthy. Ireallylikepeoplewhogivememoney. ThesepeopleareveryfriendlyandIlovethem. Ofallhisfriends,Iamtheonewhoheknowshecanrelyon. Try to give extra information by using relative clauses extremely flexible. We use relative clauses for part 1, part 2, part 3 speaking and even for task 1 and task 2 writing.
Number3: Is the questionaboutyou or the questionaboutotherpeople ?
If the examiner asks you “doyouliketoread?”or “doyouenjoyshopping?” they are asking aboutyou .
If the examiner asks you “whydopeopleenjoyreading?”or “whydopeopleenjoy shopping?” , they are not asking about you, they are asking about thepeopleingeneral .
Be sure if they ask you “doyouliketoread?” Again, you shouldn’t say like this: yes,readingisverypopular,alotofpeopleliketoreadbecauseit’ssorelaxingandhelpsthembuildtheirknowledge,sopeoplereadintheirfreetimequitealot…. How is the grammar in the answer? The grammar is great. How is the vocabulary? The vocabulary is great. Unfortunately, I don’t know if you don’t understand the question or if you don’t have the ability to answer in a proper way because you lack English skills. The examiner asked the question about you
, and you answered the question about people in general. That’saproblem . Be sure you got it.
Number4: Is the question open or closed ?
+ Closedquestions are the ones that you can answer with “yes”or “no”or “itdepends” Example:Doyouenjoywatchingtelevision? + Openquestion are the ones that you donot answer with “yes”or “no”or “itdepends” Example:Whydopeoplelikewatchingtelevision? This is a big difference because if they ask you about a closed question, you will give ayes/noanswer .
Number5:Startandendyouranswerwithconfidence: answer the question, show something or some things about your English ability and stop talking and let them ask you another question. Do not make your part 1 speaking answers too long. Don’t do it, the examiner will get frustrated. They have questions that are designed to get different responses from you.
If they ask you “doyouliketoread?” Don’t answer the question too long like this “yes, I love reading and I reallyenjoy reading mystery novels. A lot of people don’t like mystery novels, but Ireally love them. When I was a child, I really loved reading comic books; backthenIreallylovetoreadbadman.” So please well prepare and focus on how to answer different types of IELTS questions. Plan and practice ways to answer questions clearly and fluently . Be specific about what you are studying, focus on something and practiceregularly . Then, in the exam, be disciplined and stick with your plan. Know what you want to say and how you want to say it. Then you will easily get a high score in your part 1 speaking.
Number 7:Develop good habits. You should study many times a week, but only for 5-10 minutes for each time. Research has proved that this is the best way to master vocabulary and phrases. Try to avoid long study sessions only once a week. Practice whenever you have some free time, set small goals, and, if you do this regularly, you will make great improvements.
Number 8: There are some essential topics you must be prepared to discuss: your favorites (food, books, films, TV shows, personal item, website, etc.)...people in your life (family, friends, teachers, neighbors)...activities (hobbies, exercise, what you do on holidays, memories of past and plans for future), places (where you live, where you might like to live, places to visit, etc), and things (devices and gadgets you use every day, presents you have given or received, valuable and cherished objects).
Number9:Relaxandbenatural .
What are fluency markers (discourse markers)?
Fluency markers are words or phrases that native speakers use to make their speaking sound more natural , smoother and clearer . We use these words or phrases tosignalinformation .
You will not get a high score in the speaking test, part 1, part 2, or part 3 if you don’t learn howtosignalyouranswers , howtocombineandlinkyoursentencestogether . What you are seeing below are great examples that involve the fluency markers using different time expressions as well as different verb forms. I don’t just use past simple, I use past continuous, and present perfect that we will need to do in the speaking test.
One of the fluency markers we’ve already talked about is “however” . When you hear “however”, you know that will be signaling, changing about something.
For example:Vietnam is really hot, and sometimes it rains which is veryconvenient.However…(now what I am saying about Vietnam, somethingpositive or somethingnegative ?)
Somethingpositivebecause you know when we are saying something...however …we will be signaling or we will be talking about something different.
MyfriendsreallylovetogotothemovieonFridaynight.However,…(I could be talking somethingtheydon’tliketodo like “MyfriendsreallylovetogotothemovieonFridaynight.However,theyhatesingingkaraoke.” So we can use these words to signal a lot of information. Practice using these fluency markers, then it will become your habit.
Let’s talk about other fluency markers.