To be honest , I’m not really keen on reading books. Unfortunately , I’m inuniversityandmyprofessorrequiresalotofreading. So I just answer the question and I use two fluency markers. It’s really helpful to
make your speaking become more organized.
Actually/Infact/Asamatteroffact: We use these words toadddetails .
Example:Doyouenjoyreading? Tobehonest,Idon’tliketoreadverymuch.Unfortunately,I’minuniversityright now, and my professor gives me a lot of reading assignments. In fact ,tonightIwillhavetoreadabout40pages… Ok. That works. Again, you should use all these fluency markers in a combination because that will help you get a better speaking score.
Actually: This can be used as a softening phrase. If I ask my girlfriend “baby,do you love me?” she says “actually, you are not handsome, so I don’t loveyou.” However/ but : these words are used to signal a different idea or opinion . That could be a differencebetweennowandinthepast ; or a differencebetweennowandthefuture .
Example1:Doyouenjoytraveling? Well,Ilovetraveling.Unfortunately,I’mquitebusyrightnow,soIhaven’thadachancetogoanywhere,butI’mplanningtotraveltoThailandduringTetholiday Example2:Goingtothebeachisalotoffun.However,Iwouldratherexploreabigcity. Isuppose/Iguess : These words are used toindicateaspeculation . Speculation basically means aguess.
When you answer the question by using phrases “I suppose or I guess” , what you are showing the listener is that you do not know the exact answer , but you are tryingveryhardtogivethebestguess .
Example1:What’sthepopulationofHoChiMinhCity? You can say something like: that’s a good question, I really don’t know, but Iguess/supposeit’sabouttenmillionpeople. Example2:What’sthebestuniversityintheUnitedStates? You can say something like: Isupposeit’stheHarvardUniversity. Supposedly/supposedtobe: These words are called stereotypelanguage . What is a stereotype ?
A stereotype is something that you haveheardistrue , but you donotknow because you havenotexperiencedit .
Example:Therearealotofguns,violenceinAmerica. If you have never been to America, you should not say “America is a violentcountry” because you have never been there. Instead, you should say: Americaissupposedtobeaveryviolentcountry. Or: somepeoplesaythatlivinginNewYorkisveryenjoyable.
Use to express what you haveheardtobetrue , but do not know by yourself, because you havenotexperiencedit .
Nowadays/ these days: We use these words for current actions and habits . Example:Doyouenjoywatchingtelevision?
Yes, I love watching television. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of free time.Nowadays , I am doing a lot of studying at the university and I don’t have achancetowatchmyfavoriteprograms. Or: …..Nowadays,Ioftenwatchcartoons.IespeciallylikeTom&Jerry. Usedto+Verb : We use this structure to talk about pastactionsandhabits .
Iusedtogoswimmingwithmyfriends.Iusedtoyellatmycoworkers. WhenIwasX : we use this structure to talk about pastactionsandhabits .
WhenIwasauniversitystudent,Iusedtomeetmyfriendsforcoffeeeverymorningbeforeclass. IusedtogotothelibrarywhenIwasinhighschool.IusedtocookformybrotherwhenIwasateenager. AdverbsofFrequency: We use adverbs of frequency Never...Seldom/rarely/
hardlyever...Sometimes...Often/Frequently/Nearlyalways...Usually/typically/normally...Alwaysto tell howoftensomethingisdone IneverfeelboredwhenItalkwithhim. Iseldom/rarely/hardlyevergoswimmingonSundaymorning.Ioftengototheuniversitycanteentoeatwithmyfriends. Iusuallygotobedby1p.m. AdverbsofInfrequency:Everyonceinawhile/Everysooften/Everynowandthen/Everynowandagain.Use in place of "sometimes and seldom"
EveryonceinawhileIplaysportsontheweekend. Iplaygolfeverysooften. Everynowandthenwestayinbedalldayandwatchcartoons. Concessionandcontrast:somethingistrue ; however, somethingelseistrue We use this a lot. This is a massively useful structure because we use this structure a lot for part 1, part 2, part 3 speaking and task 2 writing.