Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423 866
w www.oriens.uz December 2021 DANTENING “ILOHIY KOMEDIYA” VA ABDULLA ORIPOVNING “JANNATGA YO‘L” ASARLARIDA UMUMINSONIY G‘OYALAR Botirova Rayxona Qarshi davlat universiteti magistranti
ANNOTATSIYA Bizga ma’lumki, turli xalqlar va mintaqa adabiyotlari o‘rtasida o‘zaro o‘xshash motivlar, umumlashmalar ko‘p uchraydi. Bu kabi o‘xshashliklar adabiy jarayon va hodisalarning bir-biriga ta’siri deb izohlanadi. Xususan, G‘arbiy Yevropada XIV-XVI asrlarda yuz bergan uyg‘onish davri adabiyotining ta’sirini XX asr o‘zbek adabiyoti namoyandalarining ijodi misolida ham ko‘rish mumkin. Ushbu maqolada so‘z italyan shoiri Dantening “Ilohiy komediya” va mutafakkir shoir Abdulla Oripovning “Jannatga yo‘l” she’riy dostonlari va ularda aks etgan umuminsoniy g‘oyalar xususida boradi. Kalit so‘zlar: G‘arbiy Yevropa Uyg‘onish davri adabiyoti, o‘zbek adabiyoti, Dante, Abdulla Oripov, “Ilohiy komediya”, “Jannatga yo‘l”, umuminsoniy g‘oyalar, jannat, do‘zax, arosat. ABSTRACT We know that there are many similar motives and generalizations between different peoples and regional literatures. Such similarities are interpreted as the interaction of literary processes and events. In particular, the influence of the literature of the Renaissance in Western Europe in the XIV-XVI centuries can be seen in the works of Uzbek literature of the XX century. This article deals with the Italian poet Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and the poet Abdulla Oripov’s “Road to Heaven” poetic epics and universal ideas. Keywords : Western European Renaissance literature, Uzbek literature, Dante, Abdulla Oripov, “Divine Comedy”, “Road to Heaven”, universal ideas, heaven, hell, ariaat. АННОТАЦИЯ Как известно, между литературой разних народов и регионов существуэт множество схожих мотивов и обобщений. Подобные сходства трактуются как взаимодействие литературних процессов и собитий. В частности, влияние литературы эпохи Возрождения на Западную Европу ХIV-XVI веков прослеживается в творчестве узбекских писателей ХХ века. В етой статье речь идёт о произведении итальянского поэта Данте “Божественной