The Sun/sun
The Earth/earth
The Galaxy
The Milky Way
The weather
The climate
The Moon/moon
The Solar System
The Cosmos
The Taj-Mahal
The Grand Canyon
The Pyramids
The Eiffel Tower
The World Cup
The Equator
The Ozone Layer
The Environment
The Universe
The Prime Minister
The Government
The President
The Prince of Wales
The King
The Queen
The Сapital
The Governor
The Mayor
● Space so’zi fazo ma’nosida kelsa oldidan hech qanday artikl ishlatilmaydi:
There are many planets in space – Fazoda ko’p sayyoralar bor.
● Space so’zi bo’sh joy ma’nosida kelganda gapdagi ma’nosiga qarab oldidan aniq artikl the yoki noaniq artikllar a/an ham ishlatilishi mumkin:
The spacein the room – xonadagi bo’sh joy
The space between two houses – ikki uy o’rtasidagi bo’sh joy
Look! There is a space for one car. – Qara! Anavi yerda bitta mashina qo’ysa bo’ladigan bo’sh joy bor ekan.
● Bundan tashqari earth, moon, sun kabi sayyoralar nomi oldidan the ishlatiladi.
The earth is round. – Yer dumaloq.
The Earth takes approximately 365 days to go round the Sun. The sun risesin the east and sets in the west.
What time does the moon rise/set?
NOTE: On Earth = in the world – butun dunyo, yer yuzi The Circus has been described as the greatest show on Earth (= in the world).
● Lekin boshqa planeta nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi:
Scientists began to explore Mars. – Olimlar Marsni tadqiq qilishni boshladilar.