Informatika — (nemischa: Informatik, fransuzcha: Informatique, inglizcha: computer science komputer fani (aqshda), computing science hisoblash fani (Buyuk Britaniyada)) Informatika

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Selected literature[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  • Knuth, Donald E.. Selected Papers on Computer Science. CSLI Publications, Cambridge University Press, 1996. 

  • Collier, BruceThe little engine that could've: The calculating machines of Charles Babbage. Garland Publishing Inc, 1990. ISBN 978-0-8240-0043-1

  • Cohen, BernardHoward Aiken, Portrait of a computer pioneer. The MIT press, 2000. ISBN 978-0-262-53179-5

  • Tedre, Matti. The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2014. 

  • Randell, BrianThe origins of Digital computers, Selected Papers. Springer-Verlag, 1973. ISBN 978-3-540-06169-4

    • „Covering a period from 1966 to 1993, its interest lies not only in the content of each of these papers — still timely today — but also in their being put together so that ideas expressed at different times complement each other nicely.“ (N. Bernard, Zentralblatt MATH)

Articles[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  • Peter J. Denning. Is computer science science?, Communications of the ACM, April 2005.

  • Peter J. Denning, Great principles in computing curricula, Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2004.

  • Research evaluation for computer science, Informatics Europe report (Wayback Machine saytida October 18, 2017, sanasida arxivlangan). Shorter journal version: Bertrand Meyer, Christine Choppy, Jan van Leeuwen and Jorgen Staunstrup, Research evaluation for computer science, in Communications of the ACM, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 31-34, April 2009.

Curriculum and classification[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  • Association for Computing Machinery1998 ACM Computing Classification System. 1998.

  • Joint Task Force of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association for Information Systems (AIS) and IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS). Computing Curricula 2005: The Overview Report. September 30, 2005.

  • Norman Gibbs, Allen Tucker. „A model curriculum for a liberal arts degree in computer science“. Communications of the ACM, Volume 29 Issue 3, March 1986.

Manbalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

    1.  „What is Computer Science? - Computer Science. The University of York“ Qaraldi: 11-iyun 2020-yil.

    2.  „WordNet Search—3.1“. Qaraldi: 14-may 2012-yil.

    3.  „Definition of computer science |“ (inglizcha). Qaraldi: 11-iyun 2020-yil.

    4.  „What is Computer Science? | Undergraduate Computer Science at UMD“ Qaraldi: 15-iyul 2022-yil.

    5.  Denning, P.J.; Comer, D.E.; Gries, D.; Mulder, M.C.; Tucker, A.; Turner, A.J.; Young, P.R. (1989-yil fevral). „Computing as a discipline“. Computer. 22-jild, № 2. 63–70-bet. doi:10.1109/2.19833ISSN 1558-0814. „Those in the discipline know that computer science encompasses far more than programming.“ {{cite magazine}}: sana kiritilishi kerak boʻlgan parametrga berilgan qiymatni tekshirish lozim: |date= (yordam)

    6.  Harel, DavidAlgorithmics The Spirit of Computing. Springer Berlin, 2014. ISBN 978-3-642-44135-6OCLC 876384882

    7.  The MIT PressWhat Can Be Automated? Computer Science and Engineering Research Study | The MIT Press, Computer Science Series (inglizcha). MIT Press, 30-aprel 1980-yil. ISBN 9780262010603

    8.  Patton, Richard D.; Patton, Peter C. (2009), Nof, Shimon Y. (muh.), „What Can Be Automated? What Cannot Be Automated?“, Springer Handbook of Automation, Springer Handbooks (inglizcha), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer: 305–313, doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78831-7_18ISBN 978-3-540-78831-7, qaraldi: 3–mart 2022–yil

    9.  Denning, P.J.; Comer, D.E.; Gries, D.; Mulder, M.C.; Tucker, A.; Turner, A.J.; Young, P.R. (1989-yil fevral). „Computing as a discipline“. Computer. 22-jild, № 2. 63–70-bet. doi:10.1109/2.19833ISSN 1558-0814. „The discipline of computing is the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform information, their theory, analysis, design, efficiency, implementation, and application. The fundamental question underlying all of computing is, 'What can be (efficiently) automated?'“ {{cite magazine}}: sana kiritilishi kerak boʻlgan parametrga berilgan qiymatni tekshirish lozim: |date= (yordam)

    10.  Forsythe, George (August 5–10, 1969). „Computer Science and Education“. Proceedings of IFIP Congress 1968. „The question 'What can be automated?' is one of the most inspiring philosophical and practical questions of contemporary civilization.“

    11.  Knuth, Donald E. (1–avgust 1972–yil). „George Forsythe and the development of computer science“. Communications of the ACM. 15-jild, № 8. 721–726-bet. doi:10.1145/361532.361538ISSN 0001-0782.

    12.  Hanson, Vicki L. (23–yanvar 2017–yil). „Celebrating 50 years of the Turing award“. Communications of the ACM. 60-jild, № 2. 5-bet. doi:10.1145/3033604ISSN 0001-0782.

    13.  Scott, Eric; Martins, Marcella Scoczynski Ribeiro; Yafrani, Mohamed El; Volz, Vanessa; Wilson, Dennis G (5–iyun 2018–yil). „ACM marks 50 years of the ACM A.M. turing award and computing's greatest achievements“. ACM SIGEVOlution. 10-jild, № 3. 9–11-bet. doi:10.1145/3231560.3231563.

    14.  „Ada Lovelace | Babbage Engine | Computer History Museum“ Qaraldi: 28-dekabr 2016-yil.

    15.  „Charles Babbage Institute: Who Was Charles Babbage?“ Qaraldi: 28-dekabr 2016-yil.

    16.  „History of Computer Science“ Qaraldi: 15-iyul 2022-yil.

    17.  „Wilhelm Schickard – Ein Computerpionier“ (de). 19-sentabr 2020-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 4-dekabr 2016-yil.

    18.  Keates. „A Brief History of Computing“The Repository. The Royal Society (25-iyun 2012-yil). 29-iyun 2012-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 19-yanvar 2014-yil.

    19.  „Science Museum, Babbage's Analytical Engine, 1834-1871 (Trial model)“. Qaraldi: 11-may 2020-yil.

    20. ↑ Jump up to:20,0 20,1 Anthony HymanCharles Babbage, pioneer of the computer, 1982. ISBN 9780691083032

    21.  „A Selection and Adaptation From Ada's Notes found in Ada, The Enchantress of Numbers, " by Betty Alexandra Toole Ed.D. Strawberry Press, Mill Valley, CA“. 10-fevral 2006-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 4-may 2006-yil.

    22.  „The John Gabriel Byrne Computer Science Collection“. 16-aprel 2019-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 8-avgust 2019-yil.

    23.  "In this sense Aiken needed IBM, whose technology included the use of punched cards, the accumulation of numerical data, and the transfer of numerical data from one register to another", Bernard Cohen, p.44 (2000)

    24.  Brian Randell, p. 187, 1975

    25.  The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) was founded in 1947.

    26.  „IBM Archives: 1945“. (23-yanvar 2003-yil). Qaraldi: 19-mart 2019-yil.

    27.  „IBM100 – The Origins of Computer Science“. (15-sentabr 1995-yil). Qaraldi: 19-mart 2019-yil.

    28.  Denning, Peter J. (2000). „Computer Science: The Discipline“ (PDF). Encyclopedia of Computer Science. May 25, 2006da asl nusxadan (PDF) arxivlandi.

    29.  „Some EDSAC statistics“. University of Cambridge. Qaraldi: 19-noyabr 2011-yil.

    30.  „Computer science pioneer Samuel D. Conte dies at 85“. Purdue Computer Science (1-iyul 2002-yil). Qaraldi: 12-dekabr 2014-yil.

    31.  Tedre, Matti. The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline. Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, 2014. 

    32. ↑ Jump up to:32,0 32,1 Louis Fine (1960). „The Role of the University in Computers, Data Processing, and Related Fields“. Communications of the ACM. 2-jild, № 9. 7–14-bet. doi:10.1145/368424.368427.

    33.  „Stanford University Oral History“. Stanford University. Qaraldi: 30-may 2013-yil.

    34.  Donald Knuth (1972). „George Forsythe and the Development of Computer Science“Comms. ACM. Webarxiv andozasida xato: |url= qiymatini tekshiring. Boʻsh.

    35.  Matti Tedre. „The Development of Computer Science: A Sociocultural Perspective“ (2006). 9-oktyabr 2022-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 12-dekabr 2014-yil.

    36.  Peter Naur (1966). „The science of datalogy“. Communications of the ACM. 9-jild, № 7. 485-bet. doi:10.1145/365719.366510.

    37.  Weiss, E.A.; Corley, Henry P.T. „Letters to the editor“. Communications of the ACM. 1-jild, № 4. 6-bet. doi:10.1145/368796.368802.

    38.  Communications of the ACM 2 (1):p.4

    39.  IEEE Computer 28 (12): p.136

    40.  P. Mounier-Kuhn, L’Informatique en France, de la seconde guerre mondiale au Plan Calcul. L'émergence d’une science, Paris, PUPS, 2010, ch. 3 & 4.

    41.  Groth. „Why an Informatics Degree?“Communications of the ACM. (2010-yil fevral).

    42.  Denning, Peter J. (2000). „Computer Science: The Discipline“ (PDF). Encyclopedia of Computer Science. May 25, 2006da asl nusxadan (PDF) arxivlandi.

    43.  Tedre, Matti. The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline. Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, 2014. 

    44.  Tedre, M. (2011). „Computing as a Science: A Survey of Competing Viewpoints“. Minds and Machines. 21-jild, № 3. 361–387-bet. doi:10.1007/s11023-011-9240-4.

    45.  Parnas, D.L. (1998). „Software engineering programmes are not computer science programmes“. Annals of Software Engineering. 6-jild. 19–37-bet. doi:10.1023/A:1018949113292., p. 19: „Rather than treat software engineering as a subfield of computer science, I treat it as an element of the set, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, […]“

    46. ↑ Jump up to:46,0 46,1 „The Philosophy of Computer Science“,The Philosophy of Computer Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2021. 

    47. ↑ Jump up to:47,0 47,1 47,2 „The Philosophy of Computer Science“,The Philosophy of Computer Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2021. 

    48. ↑ Jump up to:48,0 48,1 „The Philosophy of Computer Science“,The Philosophy of Computer Science (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2021. 

    49.  Wegner, P. (October 13–15, 1976). "Research paradigms in computer science—Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on Software Engineering". San Francisco, California, United States: IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.

    50.  Denning, P.J.; Comer, D.E.; Gries, D.; Mulder, M.C.; Tucker, A.; Turner, A.J.; Young, P.R. (1989-yil yanvar). „Computing as a discipline“. Communications of the ACM. 32-jild. 9–23-bet. doi:10.1145/63238.63239. {{cite magazine}}: sana kiritilishi kerak boʻlgan parametrga berilgan qiymatni tekshirish lozim: |date= (yordam)

    51.  Denning, Peter J. (2007). „Computing is a natural science“. Communications of the ACM. 50-jild, № 7. 13–18-bet. doi:10.1145/1272516.1272529.

    52.  Eden, A.H. (2007). „Three Paradigms of Computer Science“ (PDF). Minds and Machines. 17-jild, № 2. 135–167-bet. doi:10.1007/s11023-007-9060-8. February 15, 2016da asl nusxadan (PDF) arxivlandi.

    53.  Turner, Raymond; Angius, Nicola (2019). "The Philosophy of Computer Science". in Zalta, Edward N.. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

    54. ↑ Jump up to:54,0 54,1 „Computer Science as a Profession“. Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (28-may 1997-yil). 17-iyun 2008-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 23-may 2010-yil.

    55.  Committee on the Fundamentals of Computer Science: Challenges and Opportunities, National Research CouncilComputer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field. National Academies Press, 2004. ISBN 978-0-309-09301-9

    56.  „CSAB Leading Computer Education“. CSAB (3-avgust 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 19-noyabr 2011-yil.

    57.  Denning, Peter J. (2000). „Computer Science: The Discipline“ (PDF). Encyclopedia of Computer Science. May 25, 2006da asl nusxadan (PDF) arxivlandi.

    58.  Clay Mathematics Institute P = NP Webarxiv andozasida xato: |url= qiymatini tekshiring. Boʻsh.

    59.  P. Collins. „Claude E. Shannon: Founder of Information Theory“Scientific American (14-oktabr 2002-yil). Qaraldi: 12-dekabr 2014-yil.

    60.  Van-Nam Huynh; Vladik Kreinovich; Songsak Sriboonchitta; 2012. Uncertainty Analysis in Econometrics with Applications. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 63. ISBN 978-3-642-35443-4.

    61.  Phillip A. Laplante, 2010. Encyclopedia of Software Engineering Three-Volume Set (Print). CRC Press. p. 309. ISBN 978-1-351-24926-3.

    62.  A. Thisted. „Computer Architecture“. The University of Chicago (7-aprel 1997-yil). 9-oktyabr 2022-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi.

    63.  Jiacun Wang, 2017. Real-Time Embedded Systems. Wiley. p. 12. ISBN 978-1-119-42070-5.

    64.  Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic; Raffaela Giovagnoli; 2013. Computing Nature: Turing Centenary Perspective. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 247. ISBN 978-3-642-37225-4.

    65.  Simon Elias Bibri; 2018. Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future: The Untapped Potential of Big Data Analytics and Context-Aware Computing for Advancing Sustainability. Springer. p. 74. ISBN 978-3-319-73981-6.

    66.  Katz, JonathanIntroduction to modern cryptography, Yehuda Lindell, Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008. ISBN 978-1-58488-551-1OCLC 137325053

    67.  Muhammad H. Rashid, 2016. SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power. CRC Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-1-4398-6047-2.

    68.  „What is an integrated circuit (IC)? A vital component of modern electronics“ (inglizcha). Qaraldi: 15-noyabr 2021-yil.

    69.  Rapaport. „What Is Computation?“. State University of New York at Buffalo (20-sentabr 2013-yil).

    70.  B. Jack Copeland, 2012. Alan Turingʻs Electronic Brain: The Struggle to Build the ACE, the World’s Fastest Computer. OUP Oxford. p. 107. ISBN 978-0-19-960915-4.

    71.  Charles W. Herbert, 2010. An Introduction to Programming Using Alice 2.2. Cengage Learning. p. 122. ISBN 0-538-47866-7.

    72.  Md. Rezaul Karim; Sridhar Alla; 2017. Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics: Explore the concepts of functional programming, data streaming, and machine learning. Packt Publishing Ltd. p. 87. ISBN 978-1-78355-050-0.

    73.  Lex Sheehan, 2017. Learning Functional Programming in Go: Change the way you approach your applications using functional programming in Go. Packt Publishing Ltd. p. 16. ISBN 978-1-78728-604-7.

    74.  Evelio Padilla, 2015. Substation Automation Systems: Design and Implementation. Wiley. p. 245. ISBN 978-1-118-98730-8.

    75.  „Multi-Paradigm Programming Language“developer.mozilla.orgMozilla Foundation. 21-avgust 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi.

    76.  Meyer, Bertrand (2009-yil aprel). „Viewpoint: Research evaluation for computer science“. Communications of the ACM. 25-jild, № 4. 31–34-bet. doi:10.1145/1498765.1498780. {{cite magazine}}: sana kiritilishi kerak boʻlgan parametrga berilgan qiymatni tekshirish lozim: |date= (yordam)

    77.  Patterson. „Evaluating Computer Scientists and Engineers For Promotion and Tenure“. Computing Research Association (1999-yil avgust).

    78.  Fortnow, Lance (2009-yil avgust). „Viewpoint: Time for Computer Science to Grow Up“. Communications of the ACM. 52-jild, № 8. 33–35-bet. doi:10.1145/1536616.1536631. {{cite magazine}}: sana kiritilishi kerak boʻlgan parametrga berilgan qiymatni tekshirish lozim: |date= (yordam)

    79.  Burns, Judith„Computer science A-level 1970s style“ (3-aprel 2016-yil). Qaraldi: 9-fevral 2019-yil.

    80.  Jones. „Developing a Computer Science Curriculum in England: Exploring Approaches in the USA“. Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (1915-yil oktabr). 22-oktabr 2016-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 9-fevral 2019-yil.

    81.  „Computer Science: Not Just an Elective Anymore“Education Week (25-fevral 2014-yil).

    82.  Wilson. „Running on Empty: The Failure to Teach K–12 Computer Science in the Digital Age“. ACM (2010).

    83.  „2021 State of computer science education: Accelerating action through advocacy.“., CSTA, & ECEP Alliance (2021). 9-oktyabr 2022-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi.

    84.  „A is for algorithm“The Economist (26-aprel 2014-yil).

    85.  „Computing at School International comparisons“. 8-may 2013-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlandi. Qaraldi: 20-iyul 2015-yil.

    86.  „Adding Coding to the Curriculum“The New York Times (23-mart 2014-yil).

Havolalar[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]

  • Informatika Curlie katalogida

  • Scholarly Societies in Computer Science Archived June 23, 2011, at the Wayback Machine

  • What is Computer Science?

  • Best Papers Awards in Computer Science since 1996

  • Photographs of computer scientists by Bertrand Meyer


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