I like / I don’t like
A.Complete the sentences based on the picture given.
1. I like _________________,but I don’t like ______________
2.I like _____________,but I don’t like ________________
3.Anna likes ______________,but she doesnot like __________
4. Teguh likes ____________,but he doesn’t like _____________
5.We like _______________,but we don’t like _______________
Words Bank
apple - banana – bread – hamburger –soup- salad-French fries - potato chip-chicken -pizza
B.Complete the sentences below with I like or I don’t like.
1 _________________swimming
2. ________________singing
3. ________________ playing soccer
4._______________studying English
5.______________ reading comic books
6._______________listening to music
7.______________ shopping
8._______________ watching TV
9._______________ doing homework
10._______________eating at the restaurant
C. Please make five sentences about like and dislike.
Eq: I like fried rice ,but I don’t like pizza
1 ._____________________________
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