International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
ISSN: 2643-9603
Vol. 5 Issue 2, February - 2021, Pages: 3-5
The role of the Russian Geographical Society
in the study of
water issues in Central Asia.
Quvatov Otabek Jahongirovich
Master student of National University of Uzbekistan
From the second half of the 19th century, the Russian government began to occupy Turkestan. First, a general map of
the region was drawn up in 1867, and a meteorological station was established in Tashkent to study the climate. However, for a
long time it was almost impossible to form scientific research, but only since the early 90s, research related to the development of
natural resources of Central Asia has been carried out. During this period, the Turkestan Agricultural Society was especially
active. The journal “Farming in Turkestan”, published by the society, promoted advanced methods of agricultural production,
irrigation, farming and land use.
Russian Geographical Society, Central Asia, zoogeographer, Military Topography, "Fergana Valley"
After the conquest of Central Asia by King troops
in the second half of the 19th century,
Russian scientists
came here to conduct research. Even in such a complex and
difficult environment, local historians have tried to express
their views and opinions freely.
Scientists visiting Central
Asia will be in close contact with representatives of the
country's leading local intelligentsia.
The colonial administration also did not approve of
helping to raise the national consciousness of the people and
masses of Central Asia, but rather
to promote historical
knowledge among the masses to a lesser extent and to draw
attention to the study of ancient monuments. They thought it
could only hurt their policies.
The region, rich in natural resources and cultural
heritage and little studied, was
of great interest to the
progressive part of the Russian intelligentsia. The famous
N.A.Seversov (1827-1886), a staunch supporter of
Darwinism, worked hard to study
many parts of Turkestan
from a physical geographical point of view, including the
orography of the Pamir ridges and expended effort. N.A.
during his travels, collected much-needed
paleontology. He was one of the most active scientists in the
study of Central Asia, who came to Turkestan in 1857 with
an expedition to the Aral Sea and the Syrdarya lowlands.
After that, he will make 9 more expeditions to the region.
His "Journey to the Land of Turkestan" is based on the
nature, economy and life of the people of Central Asia. This
book was published in 1873[1,p.34].