Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 10, No. 1; 2020
ISSN 1923-869X E-ISSN 1923-8703
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Semantic and Cognitive Communicative Aspects of Abbreviation in
the Modern English Discourse Varieties
Alla Petrovna Minyar-Beloroucheva
, Polina Igorevna Sergienko
, Elizaveta Alexandrovna Vishnyakova
Olga Dmitrievna Vishnyakova
Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Moscow, Russia
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula, Russia
Correspondence: Polina Igorevna Sergienko, PhD (Philology), lecturer of the Department of English for the
Humanities, Faculty of Foreign
Languages and Areas Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
Russia. E-mail:
Received: October 11, 2019 Accepted: November 8, 2019 Online Published: December 10, 2019
doi:10.5539/ijel.v10n1p26 URL:
The paper focuses on the integrated approach to investigation of abbreviations that are referred to the units of
secondary nomination. Abbreviations facilitate the communication process due to the principle of economy in
language. Abbreviation that goes back to ancient times is one of the most actively performed and intensive
processes in the English language. The use of abbreviations is connected with both linguistic and extra-linguistic
factors that to a great extent determine a variety of discourse under consideration and ways of decoding certain
linguistic units of abbreviated form, where context plays the most important role.
There exists a number of
structural types or models, according to which abbreviations are created in order to function as separate linguistic
units used in the communicative process, where in the course of time they tend to acquire new independent and
sometimes unique semantic properties. In socially determined professional registers certain regularities of
abbreviations constructing and functioning are observed. In this paper most of
the examples refer to such
discursive varieties as politics, public relations, business and to a less extent medicine. Interdiscursivity that in
this particular context means actualisation of the same abbreviated form within different discursive varieties
seems to be one of the basic features of the abbreviation process under analysis.
From the
cognitive point of view, the study of abbreviated forms is based on the theory of propositional
structures in the human mind manifestation. The cognitive approach correlates with linguistic semiotic and
general semiotic issues, as at the iconic level of representation an abbreviation can be considered a
starting point
for creation of new entities and images, based on the results of perception, and the object for subsequent
interpretation. This involves operation with fragments of reality, subject to reflection
in the domain of human
consciousness. Cognitive communicative approach takes into account different formats of knowledge that
present the foundation for abbreviations active use and distribution.
The Internet as a new medium for the language existence, as well as application and formation of human thought,
plays an important role in optimizing messages as well as the communication process
as a whole due to
abbreviation techniques.