parts of speech, the most frequent ones being: a noun in the common case, a
personal pronoun in, the nominative case, a demonstrative pronoun
occasionally, a substantivised adjective, a numeral, an infinitive, and a gerund.
It may also be expressed by a phrase or a clause.
The structural forms, common for the subject in the contrasted languages
are simple subject, extended, expanded. In English there are also formal and
complex forms of the subject
Both in English and Russian the subject is expressed by: nouns,
pronouns, numerals, adjectives, adverbs, infinitive, participle, clause. Still, some
ways of expressing the subject are found only in English:
-indefinite pronouns one, you, they, expressing an indefinite doer of the
action. They say I am like my father;
- impersonal pronoun it: It was very dark, by means of the formal there;
- For-to-infinitive predicative construction;
- Gerundial predicative construction.
Speaking about the Russian grammar, Arakin distinguishes between onecomponent and two-component types of the subject, both in English and
One-component subject is expressed by one notional part of speech. This
type of the subject splits up into two sub-types: the sub-type of the subject
which agrees with the predicate, and the sub-type of the subject which does not
agree with the predicate.
The subject of the first sub-type is expressed by:
1) a noun. Both in Russian and English there exists an agreement in
number, but in Russian even if the subject expressing a single object is in plural
it agrees with the predicate in plural either: санки покатились под гору. In
English there is a group of nouns with the plural meaning which have a singular
form, which require a predicate either in the singular or in the plural form:
audience, crew, family.
2) pronoun;
3) substantivized adjective. In Russian there is an agreement of such a
predicate in number. While in English it is important that the adjectives used
with the definite article express plurality: blind – the blind, poor – the poor.
Subject of this group requires a predicate expressed by the plural form of the
4) present or past participle, functioning as a noun (Танцующие
выглядели счастливо, в отличие от стоящих у колонны. Осужденный был
молод и у всех вызывал сочувствие).
5) numerals (subject expressed by ordinal numerals are characteristic of
Russian and Russian, but not English).
The subject of the second sub-type (which does not agree with the
predicate) is expressed by:
1) infinitive;
2) ordinal numerals in English;
3) gerund in English.
The two-component subject is a subject that consists of two permanent
members, which cannot function independently. They are subjects expressed
by attributive word-groups (in the contrasted languages) and in English there
are subjects expressed by the formal there and noun or adjective which follow
the predicate: there was a lengthy pause or by the formal it and infinitive or
gerund that follows the predicate. It is useless to talk to him.
The predicate is the main part of the sentence and its organizing centre,
for the object and nearly all adverbial modifiers are dependent on it. The
predicate can be considered from the semantic or from the structural point of
view. According to the meaning of its components the predicate can denote an
action, a state, a quality, process, an attitude to some action or state, expressed
by the subject.
The main features of the predicate are common in the contrasted
languages. (in Korunets)
Arakin, comparing the English and Russian predicates, singles out the onecomponent and two-component types of the predicate.
One-component predicate is expressed by a finite form of the verb.
Two-component predicate contains two obligatory components. This type
splits up into two sub-types according to the components it contains: 1)
predicate consisting or a linking verb and predicative, 2) predicate consisting
or a finite form of the verb and infinitive.
1. the Nominal predicate sub-type is presented by some models depending
on the part of speech the predicative is expressed by:
V + N (in the nominative case)
V + N (in the instrumental case)
V + A (this sub-type of the predicate in English is characterized by a great
number of linking verbs – to look, grow, fall, go, turn, and so on and corresponds
to a one-component predicate in Russian and Russian).
V + Ngen (он был высокого роста). This model corresponds to the
English predicate expressed by the model V + A, or V + A + N (my brother was
of a strong character).
2. Compound predicate sub-type, according to the researcher, includes the
predicates consisting of the verb and infinitive.
Kobrina distinguishes between the simple and compound types of
The simple predicate split into two groups:
- simple verbal predicate, which can be expressed by a finite form of the
verb, by a verb ph
- simple verbal predicate, which can be expressed by a finite form of the
verb, by a verb phrase (to have a look, to take a move, to make a remark),
phrases denoting various kinds of actions (to get rid of, to take part in, to make
up one’s mind).
- Simple nominal predicate expressed by a noun or an adjective or a
verbal. It does not contain any link verb. It shows the incompatibility of the idea
expressed by the subject and that expressed by the predicate, thus in the
meaning of the simple nominal predicate in English there is an implied
He a gentleman! – Ну какой же он джентльмен!
Fred, a priest! – Чтобы Фред был священником!
Nick, dishonest! – Ник нечестный? Не может быть!
Such an old lady to come so far! – Чтобы такая пожилая леди пришла
Simple nominal predicate can be expressed by a noun, an adjective, an
infinitive or infinitive phrase, a participle or participial phrase.
The compound predicate consists of two parts: the notional and the
structural. The notional part can be expressed by a noun, an adjective, a stative,
an adverb, a verbal, a phrase, a predicative complex, a clause. The structural