Introduction to Nuclear Physics

What is the nucleus of the atom ?

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Introduction to Nuclear Physics

What is the nucleus of the atom ?

  • The nucleus contains A nucleons - Yadro tarkibida A nuklonlari mavjud : A = Z protons + N neutrons
  • Nucleons are hadron particles (particles governed by the strong interaction)
  • Nucleons are baryons (made of 3 quarks)-Nuklonlar adron zarralari (kuchli o'zaro ta'sir bilan boshqariladigan zarralar) Nuklonlar barionlar (3 kvarkdan iborat)
  • protons (uud) are positive charged particles 2000 times heavier
  • than electrons. Mpc2 = 938.272 MeV Mec2 = 0.511 MeV
  • neutrons (udd) are electric neutral particles with mass
  • comparable to the proton one. Mnc2 = 939.565 MeV
  • neutron
  • electron
  • proton
  • neutron
  • Nucleons are fermions, as well as electrons. Nuklonlar fermionlar, shuningdek elektronlardir.
  • proton
  • proton
  • ?
  • A nucleus is characterized by its mass number A and its atomic number Z.
  • It is written AZX. Yadro massa soni A va atom raqami Z bilan tavsiflanadi. Bu AZX deb yoziladi.
  • The nucleus is a bound system : its mass is lower than the mass of its components.
  • There is a « missing mass » connected to the binding energy by the famous Einstein formula : Yadro bog'langan tizimdir: uning massasi uning tarkibiy qismlarining massasidan kamroqdir. Mashhur Eynshteyn formulasi bilan bog'lanish energiyasi dagi massa «massa deffekti» bilan aniqlaniladi.
  • Nuclear interaction-
  • Yadro o'zaro ta'siri
  • ?
  • ?
  • Nuclear interaction
  • Yadro o'zaro ta'siri
  • What is the nucleus of the atom ?-Atomning yadrosi nima?
  • The nucleus contains A nucleons : A = Z protons + N neutrons
  • ATOM
  • (10-9 m)
  • (10-14 m)
  • (10-15 m)
  • A nucleus is almost 100000 times smaller than an atom- Yadro deyarli 100 000 marta atomdan kichikroq
  • Do all the nuclei have the same radius ?
  • Barcha yadrolar bir xil radiusga egami?
  • features of the nucleus : the scale of a nucleus
  • yadroning xususiyatlari: yadro masshtabi
  • R = 1.25 x A1/3 (fm)
  • The radius increases with A1/3 Radius A1/3 nisbat bilan ortadi
  •  The volume increases with the number of particles Hajmi zarrachalar soni bilan ortadi
  • Radii are extracted from elastic
  • scattering of  particles on different targets.
  • Radiuslar  zarrachalarning turli nishonlarga elastik sochilishidan olinadi.
  • R(fm)
  • 1fm = 10-15 m
  • features of the nucleus : radius
  • Yadroning xususiyatlari: radius
  • Ground–state nuclear deformation predicted with the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach with the Gogny force
  • Gogni kuchi bilan Xartri Fok-Bogoliubov yondashuvi orqali taxmin qilingan asosiy yadroviy deformatsiya
  • Nuclei are predicted to be either: Yadrolar quyidagilardan biri bo'lishi taxmin qilinadi: spherical- sharsimon prolate-yassi or oblate-tekis
  • features of the nucleus : shape Yadroning xususiyatlari: shakli
  • features of the nucleus : shape, density
  • Yadroning xususiyatlari: shakli, zichligi
  • 208Pb
  • features of the nucleus: binding energy yadroning xususiyatlari: bog'lanish energiyasi
  • A nucleus is a bound system-Yadro bog'langan tizimdir
  • i.e. its mass is lower than the mass of its components.
  • (if not the nucleus would release its excess of energy by spontaneously evolving to a state of lower energy composed of free particles)
  • « free » nucleons ≈ A× 1000 MeV
  • B(A,Z) ≈ A× 8 MeV
  • nucleus : M(A,Z) ≈ A× (1000 - 8) MeV
  • B(A,Z)
  • ...
  • Z
  • ...
  • N
  • A=Z+N
  • Mass ~ Energy ~ Instability- beqarorlik
  • M(A,Z) = N Mn + Z Mp – B(A,Z)
  • Stable bound system for B > 0
  • Note : B is the “missing mass”
  • Matomic(A,Z)=A (1amu) + Δm Δm = «mass excess -ortiqcha massa»
  • Δm= 0 for 126C => 1 amu = 931,500 MeV
  • ...
  • ...
  • Nucleus
  • Distance between
  • the nucleons (fm) –nuqlonlar
  • orasidagi masofa
  • VNN
  • 1 GeV
  • -50 MeV
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 
  • The nucleon-nucleon interaction is still unknown nowadays !!!
  • Phenomenological parameterization of the interaction ;
  • Nuklon va nuklonlarning o'zaro ta'siri hozirgacha noma'lum !!! O'zaro ta'sirning fenomenologik parametrlanishi; BU HOZIRGI ZAMANDA ENG MUHIM MUAMMOLARDAN BIRI
  • Binding energy: nucleon-nucleon potential Bog'lanish energiyasi: nuklon-nuklon potensiali
  • features of the nucleus : binding energy
  • Yadroning xususiyatlari: bog'lanish energiyasi
  • Binding energy per nucleon:
  • B(A,Z)/A ≈ 8 MeV
  • Bir nuklonga bog'lanish energiyasi:
  • B(A,Z)/A ≈ 8 MeV
  • fission
  • fusion
  • features of the nucleus: stability
  • yadroning xususiyatlari: barqarorlik
  • ... nucleons...
  • B(4He)+n
  • 28.30
  • ...
  • ...
  • Mass (MeV)
  • ...
  • 4He
  • Q=17.60
  • B(D)+B(T)
  • 10.71
  • ...
  • 22286Rn
  • 4He
  • 22688Ra
  • Q=4.871
  • B(Rn)+B(4He)
  • 1736.492
  • B(Ra)
  • 1731.626
  • Fusion
  • birlashish
  • Α radioactivity
  • radioaktivlik
  • A/2
  • A/2
  • A
  • QF≈200
  • ≈2 × 1000
  • ≈1800
  • Fission
  • parchalanish
  • ...
  • ...
  • D
  • T
  • Separation energies parchalanish energiyasi
  • For one neutron:
  • S(n) =M(A-1,N-1,Z)+mn –M(A,N,Z)
  • S(n)=B(A,N,Z)-B(A-1,N-1,Z)
  • For one proton
  • S(p) =B(A,N,Z)-B(A-1,N,Z-1)
  • Two-neutron separation energy:
  • S(2n)=B(A,N,Z)-B(A-2,N-2,Z)
  • α particle
  • S(α) = B(A,N,Z)-[B(A-4,N-2,Z-2)+B(α)]
  • B(A,N,Z)
  • Mass (MeV)
  • A=Z+N
  • n
  • B(A-1,Z,N-1)+ mn
  • S(n) = separation energy of one neutron in the A nucleus
  • A-1
  • S(n)
  • features of the nucleus: separation energy
  • yadroning xususiyatlari: parchalanish energiyasi
  • A few nuclei are stable : their lifetimes are infinite (comparable to the
  • lifetime of the proton 1033 years.) Bir nechta yadrolar barqaror: ularning umri
  • cheksizdir protonning umri 1033 yil.)
  • The others are unstable : they transform into more stable nuclei
  • Boshqalari beqaror: ular parchalib baribir barqaror yadrolarga aylanadi
  • Exponential decay-eksponensial yemirilish
  • features of the nucleus: nuclear life times
  • Yadroning xususiyatlari: yadroning yashash vaqtlari
  • -
  • +,
  • p
  • n
  • Neutrons
  • Protons
  • Different types of radioactivity- Radioaktivlikning har xil turlari
  •  (170 h)
  •  (35 h)
  •  (55 y)
  • (29 h)
  • 22688Ra
  • 22287Fr
  • 22690Th
  • Total versus partial life times
  • To’la va qisman yashash vaqtlari
  • 22689Ac
  • Life times span many orders of magnitude:
  • Hayot vaqtlari ko'plab kattaliklarni o'z ichiga oladi:
  • Nitrogen 16 T1/2 = 7.13 s
  • Oxygen 15 = 2.037 mn
  • Radium 224 = 3.62 d
  • Carbon 14 = 5730 y
  • Molybdenum 100 = 1019 y
  • Tellurium 124 = 2.2 1028 y
  • Examples: half lives
  • Misollar yarim yemrilish davri

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