Introduction to Nuclear Physics

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Introduction to Nuclear Physics

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  • What is the heaviest nucleus ?
  • Eng og'ir yadro nima?
  • How many nuclei do exist ?
  • Qancha yadro mavjud?
  • What about the shapes of the nuclei ?
  • Yadrolarning shakllari haqida nima deyish mumkin?
  • ?
  • The nucleus : a complex system
  • I) Some features about the nucleus-Yadro haqidagi ba'zi xususiyatlar
  • discovery-kashfiyot radius-radius, shape-shakli
  • binding energy-bog’lanish energiyasi
  • nucleon-nucleon interaction- nuklon-nuklon o'zaro ta'siri
  • stability and life time- stabillik va yashash vaqti
  • nuclear reactions- yadro reaksiyalari
  • The discovery of the nucleus-Yadroning kashf etilishi
  • The structure of the atom was first probed by the Rutherford experiment in 1909.
  • A beam of  particles generated by the radioactive decay of radium was directed
  • onto a sheet of a very thin gold foil.
  • Atomning tuzilishi birinchi marta 1909 yilda Rezerford tajribasida tekshirilgan.
  • Radiyning radioaktiv parchalanishi natijasida hosil bo'lgan zarrachalar nurini juda
  • yupqa oltin folga varag'iga yo'naltirildi
  •  particles
  • Target -nishon Au
  • source
  • screen
  • The unexpected results demonstrated the existence of the atomic nuclei.
  • Kutilmagan natijalar atom yadrolarining mavjudligini ko'rsatdi.
  • Before this exp. people thought that  particles should all be deflected by at most a few degrees.
  • Bundan oldin odamlar  zarrachalar bir necha gradus burchakka buriladi deb o’ylashgan
  • But some  ‘s were deflected through angles much larger than 90 degrees !!- Ammo ba'zi lar 90 gradus darajadan kattaroq burchaklar orqali burilib ketgan !!
  • The results suggest that the greater part of the mass of the atom was concentrated into a very small region.
  • Natijalar shuni ko'rsatadiki, atom massasining katta qismi juda kichik hududda to'plangan.
  •  Why a thin target ? Nima uchun yupka nishon?
  •  What about electrons ? Elektronlar haqida nima deyish mumkin?
  •  Why in the vacuum ? Nega vakuumda?
  • How can we determine the size of the atomic nucleus
  • from this experiment ?
  • Bu tajribadan Atom yadrosining hajmini qanday aniqlash mumkin?
  •  Why a thin target ?
  • To be sure that the projectile do interact with only one nucleus-Snaryad faqat bitta yadro bilan o'zaro ta'sir qilishiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun
  •  What about electrons ?
  • Electrons do not affect the trajectory of the projectile which is much heavier- Elektronlar ancha og'irroq bo'lgan zarrachaning traektoriyasiga ta'sir qilmaydi
  •  Why in the vacuum ?
  • In the air, the slowing down of the beam and of the scattered  make the analysis more complicated and can even stop the particles before detection.-Havoda  zarrachalar tarqalishi sekinlashi tahlilni murakkablashtiradi va hatto zarrachalarni aniqlashdan oldin to'xtatib qo'yishi ham mumkin.
  • At the distance « a0 » from the center of the nucleus, when the  particle go back :
  • Coulomb repulsion = kinetic energy of the  particle
  • The size of the gold nucleus is 2.8 10-14 m
  • Oltin yadrosining kattaligi 2.8 10-14 m

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