International Journal
of Botany Studies
International Journal of Botany Studies
ISSN: 2455-541X; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Received: 24-07-2020; Accepted: 10-08-2020: Published: 17-08-2020
Volume 5; Issue 4; 2020; Page No. 249-251
Ontogenetıc age features of the rare and endangered Cotınus Coggygrıa Scop. specıes ın the flora
of Azerbaıjan
Tarana Sabir gizi Babakishiyeva
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Ganja, Azerbaijan
Ontogenetic age features of the rare and endangered Cotinus coggygria scop. species in the flora of Azerbaijan have been
given in the paper.
The phytocenotic characteristics and ontogenetic structure of populations of the Cotinus coggygria species of the
Anacardiaceae Lindl family were revealed during the study of rare plants. Narrow range and low abundance of species was
The maxima was found for the species in the ontogenetic spectra fall on the generative (g2 - g3 groups. Young individuals (j,
im, v and g1) are the most threatened. All developmental stages starting from the process of fertilization were studied for this
plant and the full life cycle was divided into 4 periods. The condition and rarity of cenopulations have been identified.
Keywords: Cotinus coggygria Scop, rare, ontogenetic, latent, virginil, reproductive, senile