9:00 -11:00 AM Members Present: Vice Chair Sarah Cavitt, Thomas Aylward, Nell Johnson, Redell Duke, Michael Graziano, Jeanette Musil, Julie Woepke and Desmond Serrette for Donna Edwards
Members Absent: Brian Dolan for Col. Lee DePalo, Wanda Plumer, James Estepp, Fred Harley, Thomas V. Mike Miller and Rick Parker
Public Present: David Humphrys (US Air Force), Joseph Conte (Conte Warehouse LLC), Chris Kelly (Kelly LLC), Sean Bruce (DDC, Inc.), Elijah Thorne (Grayhound Trash Removal), Denise Douglas (EXIT Advance Realty), Strong Ashbell, Judith Ramsey, Larry Young, Jim Mills, George Tate, Victor Blank, and Chris Hatcher (RLLS)
Staff Present:Cynthia Fenton, John Wooden, Ray Dubicki, Gena Tapscott, and Martin Salmon