Foydanaligan adabiyotlar ro
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4. Q o'chqor R. Men bilan m unozara qilsangiz.
Tolipova Zebuniso Ulugbek qizi
Andijan state foreign language institute,
: This article describes the higher education system of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. The reforms implemented in the field of development were discussed.
Key words
: higher education, youth, ministry: new educational system, educational
It is known that today in our country there is a large scale in every field reforms are
being implemented. In turn, these reforms are significant part of it is organized by the reforms
implemented in the education system. Last organized all stages of education based on modern
requirements practical works are being carried out. Including in the higher education system
reforms and practical measures are being implemented on a very large scale.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev Shavkat Miromonovich At the
solemn ceremony dedicated to the day of teachers and coaches as they noted: It is clear to all
of us that the cornerstone of development is This is the force that makes the country powerful
and the nation great - science, education. Our tomorrow, the bright future of our country,
education is first of all system and the education we give to our children.[1]
According to the thinker scholar Abu Nasr Farabi, "Education is the word for peoples and
combining the theoretical virtue among the townspeople, and education is the relationship
between these peoples.
Education is only through words and teaching. Ways and methods of Farabi's education
their views on tools are also valuable. There are two ways of beautiful qualities in a person -
formed through education and training. If it combines the theoretical qualities of education,
and education is an innate quality - theoretical knowledge, and a practical profession - a craft,
manners combines qualities. Education is words and learning, and education is practical
work, experience says that it will be done with When both are combined, maturity is
manifested, but this maturity depends on the extent to which knowledge and practical skills
have been learned appears.
If the theoretical foundations of all subjects are studied in educational education, then in
education spiritual and moral rules, etiquette standards, professional skills are studied will be
The population of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the age of 30 is 60 of the entire
population is on the verge of facing a unique demographic situation of mind, spirituality,
potential, culture, level of knowledge of young people without forming, we cannot look into
our future.
It is no secret that a number of laws are being passed. Uzbekistan Law of the Republic on
Education National Program of Personnel Training 30 a number of decisions on conception
and education for the year and The adoption of laws is about the future of our youth and the
development of our country. It is not for nothing that it is thought out and implemented. It
covers the most urgent problems and solutions in our country today Acceptance and
implementation of the concept for 30 years will lead to great changes in the field of education
in our country. Education quality development of the higher education system of the Republic
of Uzbekistan until 2030 the concept of the higher education system in the social sphere and
economic sectors based on the needs of science, education and production improving the
quality of education based on ensuring integration, competitive personnel training, effective
organization of scientific and innovative activities, international cooperation for the purpose