interactive media media n. typically includes any digital medium which requires a high degree of input from the user for its main purpose to be realised. Examples include video games, virtual reality platforms, and most social media. mmo
intercultural communication media n. communication between people of different cultures. Theories of intercultural communication recognise that within a common culture communication depends upon a shared language (or languages), shared norms of communication and behaviour, and upon a repository of shared knowledge, a great deal of which may remain implicit in any encounter. By contrast, intercultural communication, between members of different cultures, may need to proceed in the absence of shared norms and without background shared knowledge, even where there is a common language. Intercultural communication, therefore, is a special case of communication, one where particular skills of intercultural competence may be required. mmo
internet media n. a global network of computer networks linked by a broad array of wireless and optical networking technologies using software protocols that enable easy and almost instant transfer of information between all points or nodes of the network. Since the 1990s the internet has had a major impact on culture and commerce because of the way in which it enabled the rise of electronic mail, instant messaging, phone calls using voice-over-internet protocols (VoIP), two-way interactive video calls, and most significantly the World Wide Web. mmo