Lesson 1 THE FAMILY 1.1. Grammar: Present simple Tense.
1.2. Speaking: I see it everyday 1.3. Listening: My family is friendly 1.4. Source: Michel McCarthy, Felicity O’DellEnglish vocabulary in use. 8p. Elementary third edition.
Family words A family tree for some of Anne and Ivan Sorokin’s relatives or relations.
Exercises Look at the family tree on the opposite page.Complete the sentences.
1 Kavita is Ravi’s _Sister________________________
2 Ravi is Kavita’s _________________________________
3 Anne is Kavita’s _________________________________
4 Ivan is Ravi’s ___________________________________
5 Diana is Ravi’s __________________________________
6 Henry is Kavita’s _________________________________
7 Ravi is Ivan’s ____________________________________
8 Kavita is Ivan’s____________________________________
9 Meena is Kavita’s _________________________________
10 Meena is George’s ________________________________
aren is Ravi’s____________________________________
1.2 The Sorokins have some other relatives. Complete the sentences about them.
Meena has a brother, Sanjay. Sanjay is Kavita and Ravi’s 1 …….uncle… and Sanjay’s wife is their2 …………….. Sanjay and his wife have one son, Prem. Prem is an3 …………...Henry’s parents are still alive. Alexander is Henry’s4 ………………..and his 5 ……………….Leila is Henry’s 6 ……………….. Alexander and Leila have three 7 ……………………–Amelia, Ivan and George. Ivan and George and their8 ………………., Anne and Meena, love their9 ……………………and visit them as often as possible.