QR codes are similar to the standard bar codes, except these codes contain much more information .
QR codes in advertising and promotions provide paper based hyperlinks that connect the physical world with the on-line world.
Works by simply scanning the code with a mobile device that is equipped with a camera and QR code reader application, which can downloaded for free on popular smartphones platforms (i.e. iPhone and Android).
QR code - once scanned translates code into actionable information (i.e. text message, mobile web page).
QR codes can be integrated into many types of printed materials, conferences, print advertisments, business cards, brochures, flyers etc.
Other ways to strategically bridge offline and online media with QR codes (examples include).
QR code next to the bar’s main products to view product demonstrations and reviews
QR code on a food, beverage, cocktail takeout menu, which links to a mobile bar and restaurant website for online reservations, orders and interactive directions.
Lesson 9: Sales and Marketing Conclusion
The first rule of marketing is always about knowing your consumers.
The location of the bar and its crowd is a crucial factor in determining where consumers feel comfortable to eat, drink, socialise and stay for longer periods.
Identify what you sell best food, drink, music or the atmosphere, you must then find out about the market place.
Identify your customers needs when they come to your bar.
Identify the local competition for their disposable income
Deciding on what products and services your bar can promote better than others to give your business ‘a competitive advantage’.
Ensure that people know about you through advertising, publicity and sales promotions.
If you also want to generate more money from existing guests train your management and staff to use selling skills and techniques.
The sustainability of any bar is based on its ability to generate profits, consider the formulation of a proper costing structure (updated regularly) for your bar which focuses in detail on the individual and collective cost and sales prices plus the gross profit margins achieved by your bar.
Bars can adopt loyalty schemes and rewards programs which include the use of coupons, social media sites with third apps and monitoring tools, geolocation platforms, QR codes to strategically bridge offline and online media about your bar and its products and services to actively encourage local buying behaviour.