Juraboyev, Asilbek Tolibjon ugli Department of Architecture Basic Doctorate, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute Toshpulatova, Barchinoy Ravshanovna assistant Department of Architecture, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute UDC 711.14 TASKS AND FEATURES OF TRANSPORT AND ITS LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN URBAN PLANNING THEORY Annotation: Problems of the road transport system in modern urban planning: congestion, ecology, the impact on the living conditions of the population and the experience of foreign countries are considered. The role of transport routes in the organization of eco-cities, the basic schemes are described. The importance of road greening and the creation of a roadside landscape in the city of Fergana in the Republic of Uzbekistan were also analyzed and recommendations were made. Keywords: modern cities, urban planning, transport, congestion, landscape, ecology, vegetation. ZAMONAVIY SHAHARSOZLIK NAZARIYASIDA TRANSPORT VA UNING LANDSHAFTINI RIVOJLANISHINI DOLZARB VAZIFALARI VA HUSUSIYATLARI Nurmatov Doniyor Olimjon o‘g‘li Farg‘ona politexnika instituti, “Arxitektura” kafedrasi assistenti Jo‘raboyev Asilbek Tolibjon o‘g‘li
SJIF 2022:5.962 License type supported CC: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 99 “Arxitektura” kafedrasi tayanch doktaranti, Farg‘ona politexnika instituti Toshpo‘latova Barchinoy Ravshanovna Farg‘ona politexnika instituti, “Arxitektura” kafedrasi assistenti Annotatsiya: Zamonaviy shaharsozlikda yo‘l transport tizimining muammolari: tirbandliklar, ekologiya, aholi yashash sharoitiga ta’siri va xorij mamlakatlari tajribalari ko‘rib chiqilgan. Eko shaharlarni tashkil etishda transport yo‘llarining ahamiyati, prinspial sxemalari yoritilgan. Shuningdek, yo‘llarni ko‘kalamzorlashtirishining ahamiyati va O‘zbekiston Respublikashidagi Farg‘ona shahrida yo‘l atrofini landshftini tashkil etilganligi tahlil qilingan va takliflar berilgan.