pencil, coal, ceiling, cut, cylinder, cat, an ear, an ox, an
hour, an Institute, an eye, an ointment, nature, nabour,
next, past, pavement, payment, question, quality, quantity,
radiation, radio, same, name, sale, lane, labour,
owe, no, go,open, telephone, unit, tube, numeral, nutate,
be, he, negotiate, engineer, elastic, nice, site,time, thrice,
my, dynamic,
type writer, map, ran, rag-bolt, raffle,
raft, not, hot, got, absolute, office, nut, cut, function,
shutdown, ten, media, effect,
mechanizm, fix, simple,
machine, technique gym, myth, physics, physiology,
car, part, farm, arm, scar for, form, portal, porter, turn,
hurt, nurse,
furniture, her, ferment, determine, intergent,
bird, girl, first, sir, car, Byrd, care, careful, rare, more,
before, foreknow, forehand, cure, mure, during, here,
periodically, hire, fire, tyre.
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks
with the proper possessive
pronoun in the brackets.
1. ... college is in the centre o f the town (our, ours).
2. This watch is not ... (my, mine). 3. ... mother is an
English teacher (her, hers). 4. That translation is ... (your,
yours) 5. We are proud o f... country (our, ours). 6. Thank
you for ... help (your, yours). 7. The book on the table is
... (my, mine). 8. I want to help ... friend (my, mine).
Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.
Karimning juda ko ‘p d o ‘stlari bor. 2. Institutimiz-
ning 3 ta binosi bor. 3. Men
odatda darsdan keyin dam
olaman. 4. Uning bugun bo ‘sh vaqti yo ‘q. 5. Biz har doim
institut oshxonasida tushlik qilamiz. 6. Siz kechki ovqatni
oilangiz bilan birga yeysizmi? 7. Men kechqurunlari
qahva ichmayman. 8. Ular, odatda, ovqatdan keyin choy
Exercise 9. Translate the following
sentences into Uzbek
paying attention to the possessive pronouns.
This is your book and that is mine. 2. These are
his pens and those are hers. 3. This is my hat and that
is yours. 4. This is our classroom and that is yours. 5.
These are my pencils and those are hers. 6. These are my
students and those are his.
Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Men har doim oilam bilan nonushta qilaman.
2. Qachon men kasal bo ‘lsam, mening isitmam chiqadi.
3. Uning boshi qattiq og ‘riyapti. 4.
Biz matematika va
ingliz tilini yaxshi bilamiz. 5. Bizning kollejimizning
ikkita binosi bor. 6. Uning akasi yozda dengiz b o ‘yida
dam oladi. 7. M ening tishim og‘riyapti. 8. U, odatda,
do ‘stlari bilan kollej oshxonasida tushlik qiladi.
Exercise 11. Translate the following sentences into English
using the active vocabulary o f the lesson.
Uning katta akasida yengil mashina bor. 2. M ening
jiyanim yozda Toshkentda dam oladi. 3.
Biz kollej
oshxonasida tushlik qilamiz. 4. U lam ing buvi va bobosida
katta hovli bor. 5. Bizning shahrimiz uzoq tarixga ega. 6.
M ening singlimning har kuni ikki yoki uchta darsi bor.
7. U isitmalayapti. 8. M ening onam hech qachon kechki
ovqatni yemaydi.
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