Can modal fe’li ishtirok etgan gaplam ing so‘roq
shakli can modal fe’lining hozirgi zamondagi shaklini
egadan oldinga qo‘yish orqali yasaladi.
M a sa la n :
Can I translate this text myself?
- Yes, I can.
Can you translate this text
Can he translate this text
Can she translate this text
- No, I cannot.
- Yes, I can.
- No, I cannot.
- Yes, he can.
- No, he cannot,
- Yes, she can.
- No, she cannot.
Can we translate this text
Can you translate this text
Can they translate this text
- Yes, we can.
- No, we cannot.
- Yes, w e can.
- No, we cannot.
- Yes, theycan.
- No, they cannot.
Can modal fe’li ishtirok etgan gaplam ing inkor shakli
san modal fe’lining hozirgi zamondagi shaklidan keyin
not inkor yuklamasini qo ‘yish orqali yasaladi.
I cannot translate this text myself.
You cannot translate this text yourself.
He cannot translate this text himself.
She cannot translate this text herself.
We cannot translate this text ourselves.
You cannot translate this text yourselves.
They cannot translate this text themselves.
Can modal fe’li imkoniyatni ham ifodalaydi.
You can see many beautiful pictures on the walls.
As bogTovchisi ergashtiruvchi b o g io v ch i bo 4lib, u
bosh gap bilan ergash gapni bir-biri bilan bog‘laydi. U
quyidagi ergash gaplar tarkibida ishlatiladi.
1. Holat ergash gapli qo‘shma gap tarkibida:
a) payt: as - vaqtda, qachonki
As I was coming here, I met your brother.
b) sabab: as - sababli
As I have not read the book, I cannot tell you anything
about it.
с) holat holi: as - qanday (... dek)
Г 11 do it as you told me.
Exercise 1. Leam the new words o f the text «The activity o f
people in the market economy».
market economy - bozor iqtisodiyoti
be based on - asoslangan
monetary-goods circulation - pul-tovar
feature - o ‘ziga xos xususiyat
variety - turli-tumanlik
forms o f property - mulkchilik shakllari
conducting the economy - xo ‘jalik yuritish
freely - erkin
side-by-side - yonma-yon
unlimitedly - chegaralanmagan holda
property owners - mulk egalari
producer - ishlab chiqaruvchi
consumer - iste’molchi
apply - ishlatmoq
relation - aloqa
arrange - o‘matmoq
plan - ko ‘zlamoq
benefit - manfaat
price - narx-navo
social justice - ijtimoiy adolat
adaptable - moslashuvchan
science - fan
technology - texnika
confusion - tarqoqlik
egoism - xudbinlik
enterpreneurship - tadbirkorlik