Exercise 11. Repeat the following words after the announcer
and try to read them correctly.
Know, knowledge, soften, wrap, wrong, wry, wrack
(halokatga yuz tutish), knock, knot (tugun), knoll (tepalik),
knout (qamchi), fight, frighten, eight, night, knig (qirol),
white, whine (irillamoq), whole, column, answerable.
Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. U ingliz tilida ravon gapira oladi. 2.
Siz u yerda
k o ‘rkam binolar va s o iim bogMami k o ‘rishingiz
mumkin. 3. Siz qaysi tillarda gapira olasiz? 4. Men
gitara chalolmayman. 5. Siz menga yordam bera olasiz-
mi? - Ha. 6. M ening o ‘rtog‘im uch tilda gapira oladi.
7. U lar bu matnni lug‘atsiz tarjim a qilaolmaydilar.
8. Men har qanday ishni o ‘zim bajara olaman.
Exercise 13. Make up sentences with the following words and
expressions using the grammar o f the lesson.
Found, struggle for Independence, in favour of, steadily,
increase, power, grow, lie, central part of,
continent, to
the south, come from, old, spread through, cover,
miles, is divided into, the District o f Columbia,
the seat
o f the national government.
Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into Uzbek
paying attention to the meaning o f the conjunction «as».
1. As I didn’t know about market economy, I could
not answer the questions. 2. You may do it as you like. 3.
I was reading the book, I made notes. 4. As he knows
English well, he passed the tests easily. 5. Act as you
want. 6. As she
was answering the questions, the teacher
interrupted her. 7. As my friend did not ask me, I did not
help him. 8. As the professor
was reading a lecture, the
students took notes.
Exercise 15. Speak about your country using the text «The
United States o f America» and give your opinion about the text
«The activity o f people in the market economy».
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