Exercise 1.
Learn the new words o f the text «Great Britain».
British Kingdom - Britaniya Qirolligi
large historical areas - katta tarixiy maydonlar
England - Angliya
Scotland - Shotlandiya
Wales - Uels
Northern Ireland - Shimoliy Irlandiya
a number o f - ko‘p sonli
island - orol
Briton - britaniyalik (millat)
native inhabitant - tub aholisi
anthem - madhiya
God Save the Qween/King - 0 ‘zing Qirolichani/
Qirolni asra
currency - pul birligi
pound - funt
regions - regionlar
chief regional administ- - bosh mintaqaviy
rative units
m a’muriy birliklar
call - chaqirish (telefonda chaqirish)
district - tuman
official language - davlat tili
predominant language - ko ‘p ishlatiladigan til
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