partially ruined structure.^)
Auguste Choisy. The Worid History of Architecture. London. 2009. P. 175,186 (The Erechtbeien or ErechtbHsu
is an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acronolis of Athens in Greece which was dedicated to
both Athena and Poseidon. The temple as seen today was built between 421 and 406 BCE. Its architect may have
been Mnesicles. and it derived its name from a shrine dedicated to the legendary Greek hero Erichthceiius. The
sculptor and mason of the structure was Phidias, who was employed by Pericles to build both the Erechtheum and
the Parthenon. Some have suggested that it may have been built in honor o f the legendary king Erechtheus. who is
said to have been buried nearby. Erechtheus was mentioned in Homer's
Iliad as a great king and ruler o f Ath#n? during
the Archaic Period, and Erechtheus and the hero Erichthonius were often svncretized. It is believed to have been a
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Uning qoldiqlari hozirgacha mavjud. Bu davrda quriigan ko‘pgina binolar, asosan, boy zodogonlar buyurtmasi va didi asosida ishlangan. Shunday yodgorliklardan Galikarnasdagi Mavsol maqbarasi, afmalik boy Lisikrat tomonidan o ‘matilgan me’morlik kompozitsiyasi diqqatga sazovordir. Uncha katta boimagan Lisikrat yodgorligi kompozitsiyasi o‘zining bejirim ko‘rinishi, shu bilan birga, ulug‘vor va monumentalligi bilan ajralib turadi. Seminar savollari 1.Egey dunyosi me’morliginmg necha va qanday bosqichlari mavjud? 2.Knoss saroyining tuzilishi qanday? 3. «Sherlar darvozasi» haqida nima bilasiz? 4.Krit orolidagi shaharlarning qo‘rg‘on devorlari boiganmi? Mikekliklarni -chi? 5.Krit va Miken me’morligining vorislari kimlar boigan?