Tadbiq etish darajasi va iqtisodiy samaradorlik: Ta’lim jarayonida o‘rganilgan tadqiqotlar evaziga bolalar nutqini qiziqarli koreksion o‘yinlar vositasida rivojlantirishning samarali usullari va metodlari qo‘llash orqali kam vaqt va mablag‘ evaziga samarali natijalarga erishish ko‘rsatkichi.
Qo‘llanilish sohasi:Oliy va o‘rta ta’lim jarayonida darslarda va MTTlarda logoped (o‘qituvchilar ) uchun mashg‘ulotlar jarayonida foydalanish mumkin.
"METHODOLOGY OF REMOVING SPEECH DEFICIENCIES OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN" Master's thesis on the subject ANNOTATION Key words: Pre-school education, unified pedagogical approach, advanced perspective, agrammatism, pronunciation, pedagogical skill, professional education and training, speech defects, preparation, best practice, interactive, pedagogical skill, professional education training, theoretical methodology, innovative new methods
Object of the study:The process of eliminating children's speech defects
The purpose of the study: theoretical and practical analysis and practical application of the method of overcoming speech defects in preschool children
Research methods: analysis, study, interview, questionnaire, question-and-answer, dialogue, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics.
The obtained results and their novelty: The scientific novelty of this master's thesis is that the effectiveness of lessons with games for the development of articulatory motor skills increased, children's interest in speech therapy lessons increased, the use of interactive technologies was developed. These game methods can be used by speech therapists, educators and club leaders of preschool educational organizations.
Prevalence, symptoms and levels of speech disorders in preschool children.
1. Based on the study of scientific-pedagogical, psychological literature, regulatory documents on the topic, the theoretical and practical foundations of developing children's speech through logopedic games in preschool educational organizations were determined.
2. Pedagogical and psychological possibilities of children's speech development through logopedic breathing exercises and correctional work were revealed in preschool educational organizations.
3. The content, methods and methods of the process of developing children's speech were selected during speech therapist training in preschool educational organizations using various new correction games.
4. It has been determined that effective methods and methods of developing children's speech by means of interesting correction games, thanks to the researches learned in the educational process, have a high rate of achieving effective results with little time and money.