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richard of holy trinity

marched along the sea-shore, which was on its right, and the Turks
watched its movements from the heights on the left. On a sudden the
clouds grew dark, and the sky was troubled, when the army arrived at
some narrow roads impassable for the provision-waggons; here, owing to
the narrowness of the way, the order of march was thrown into confusion,
and they advanced in extended line, and without discipline. The Saracens,
observing this, poured down suddenly on the pack-horses and loaded
waggons, slew both horses and men in a moment, and plundered a great
deal of the baggage, boldly charging and dispersing those who opposed
them as far as the sea-shore. Then there took place a fierce and obstinate
conflict: each fought for his life. Here a Turk cut off the right hand of
Everard, one of the bishop of SalisburyÕs men, as he held his sword; the
man, without changing countenance in the least, with his left hand boldly
took the sword, and closing with the Turks, who were pressing on him,
defended himself courageously from them all. By this time the rear was put
into great confusion, and John Fitz-Luke, alarmed at this mishap, put spurs
to his horse, and went to tell King Richard, who was ignorant of what had
taken place. On hearing it, he rode at full gallop to their assistance, cutting
down the Turks, right and left, like lightning, with his sword. And quickly,
as of yore the Philistines fled from Maccabeus, so were the Turks now
routed, and so did they fly from the face of King Richard, and make for the
mountains; but some of them remained amongst us, having lost their
heads. In that conflict one of the French, William de Bartis, who had been at
variance with King Richard from some old grudge, by his extraordinary
good conduct was reconciled and restored to the kingÕs former favour. The
sultan was not far off with the whole strength of his army, but owing to the
aforesaid repulse, the Turks, despairing of success, refrained from
attacking our men any more, but watched them from the heights. Our
troops, being restored to order, proceeded on their march as far as a river
which they by chance met with, and cisterns, the excellence of which being
ascertained, they pitched their tents, and rested there on a spacious plain,
where they had seen that Saladin had fixed his camp before, and they
judged that he had a very large army by the extent of the trodden ground.
On the first day there our army fared thus, and by GodÕs providence they

were warned to be more cautious, after having experienced how much loss
they might escape if properly on their guard another time.
Chapter XI. Ñ How our army arrived at Cayphas from the river of Acre.
Saladin and the Turks, always on the watch to do us harm, had
seized upon some passes between the rugged mountains, by which our
army was to proceed; and they intended to kill, seize, or disperse us as we
issued forth in an extended line; but when our army had advanced
cautiously from the aforesaid river, and by slow march, as far as Cayphas,
they pitched their tents there, and waited for the mass of the army who
were following. They posted themselves between the town of Cayphas and
the sea, and remained there two days, looking into and arranging their
baggage, and they threw away what they thought they could dispense
with, only retaining what was absolutely necessary, for the common
soldiers marched on foot, and were much distressed by the weight of their
baggage and provisions; so that in the aforesaid battle they suffered much
from fatigue and thirst.
Chapter XII. Ñ How our army kept along the maritime parts, where they were
wounded by the underwood, and met with wild beasts; and how they left Cayphas
by way of Capernaum, and reached the passes.
On a Wednesday, which was the third day after stopping at Cayphas,
the army moved forward in order, the Templars leading the van, and the
Hospitallers closing the rear, both of whom by their high bearing gave
evidence of great valour. That day the army moved forward with more
than wonted caution, and stopped after a long march, impeded by the
thickets and the tall and luxuriant herbage, which struck them in the face,
especially the foot-soldiers. In these maritime parts there were also
numbers of beasts of the forest, who leapt up between their feet from the
long grass and thick copses, and many were caught, not by design, but
coming in their way by chance. When the king had proceeded as far as
Capernaum, which the Saracens had razed to the ground, he dismounted,
and took some food, the army, meanwhile, waiting; those who chose took

food, and immediately after proceeded on their march to the house called
Òof the narrow ways,Ó because the road there becomes narrow; there they
halted and pitched their tents. It was the custom of the army each night
before lying down to rest, to depute some one to stand in the middle of the
camp, and cry out with a loud voice, ÒHelp! help! for the holy sepulchre!Ó
The rest of the army took it up, and repeated the words; and stretching
their hands to heaven, amid a profusion of tears, prayed for the mercy and
assistance of God in the cause. Then the herald himself repeated the words
in a loud voice, ÒHelp! help! for the holy sepulchre!Ó and every one
repeated it after him a second time, and so likewise a third time, with
contrition of heart and abundant weeping. For who would not weep at
such a moment, when the very mention of its having been done would
extract tears from the auditors? The army appeared to be much refreshed
by crying out in this fashion.
Chapter XIII. Ñ How the tarrentes afflicted our people with their venomous
As each night came round, a sort of reptile attacked us, commonly
called tarrentes,  which creep on the ground, and have most venomous
stings. As the day comes on, they are harmless; but on the approach of
night, they used their stings most pertinaciously, and those they stung
were instantly swelled with the venom, and tortured with pain. The more
noble and wealthy of those who were attacked applied theriacal ointment
on the stings, and the antidote proved efficacious to remove the pain. At
last, the more observant, perceiving that the reptiles were frightened away
by loud sounds, raised a great noise at their approach by beating and
clashing their helmets and shields together; also by beating against their
seats, poles, casks, flagons, basins, platters, caldrons, and whatever
household ware they could lay hands on to make a sufficient sound; and
by these sounds they drove away the reptiles. The army remained two
days at the abovementioned station, where there was plenty of room for
their camp, and waited there until the ships arrived which they were
expecting; namely, barges and galleys, laden with provisions, of which

they were in need; for these vessels were sailing in connection with the
army along the shore, and carried their provisions an board.
Chapter XIV. Ñ How our men marched from the house of the narrow ways to
Merla, and thence to C¾sarea and the Dead River. The Turks attacking them, were
The army advanced, using all precaution against the Turks, who kept
on their flank, to a town called Merla, where the king had spent one of the
previous nights: there he had determined that he would lead the van
himself the next day, on account of the obstacles in the way, and because
the Templars kept guard in the rear; for the Turks continually threatened
them in a body on the flank. On that day the king, putting spurs to his
horse, charged them furiously, and would have reaped great glory, had it
not been for the backwardness of some, which retarded his success; for,
when King Richard pursued the Turks to a distance, some of his men
suddenly halted, for which they were rebuked in the evening. If the kingÕs
companions had followed up their pursuit of the Turks, they would have
gained a splendid victory; for the king drove all before him. The army had
a very difficult march along the sea-shore on account of the great heat; for
it was summer time, and they marched a long dayÕs journey. Many of
them, overcome by the fatigue of the march, dropped down dead, and
were buried where they died; but the king, from compassion, caused many
to be transported in galleys and ships, when they were overcome by the
fatigue of the march or sickness, or any other cause, to their destination.
The army, after accomplishing its march with much difficulty, arrived that
day at C¾sarea. The Turks had been there before them, and broken down
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