Topicdevelopment 1-2: The speaker provides little or no description of the picture, with limited vocabulary and structures.
3-4: The speaker provides some description of the picture, but there may be little detail or organization.
5-6: The speaker provides an adequate description of the picture, with some detail and organization.
7-8: The speaker provides a detailed and organized description of the picture, with good use of vocabulary and structures.
9-10: The speaker provides a highly detailed and organized description of the picture, with advanced use of vocabulary and structures.
Grade Range: 1-2: Poor 3-4: Fair 5-6: Good 7-8:VeryGood9-10:Excellent
Toachieveahighergrade,candidatesshoulddemonstrategreateraccuracyandfluencyintheir language use, provide more detailed and organized development of the topic, displayclearer and more natural pronunciation, maintain a smoother and more coherent flow ofideas, and exhibit greater range and precision in their vocabulary and grammar use. The candidate'sabilitytoexpresstheirthoughtsandideasclearlyandeffectivelywilldeterminetheir overall performance in the assessment.