Ministry of higher and secondary special education of republic of uzbekistan

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Expressing the Problem of Personality and Society in the English

John William Polidori wrote The Vampyre 1819, creating the literary vampire genre. His short story was inspired by the life of Lord Byron and his poem The Giaour. Another major influence on vampire fiction is Varney the Vampire 1845, where many standard Vampire features originated — Varney has fangs, leaves two puncture wounds on the neck of his victims, has hypnotic powers, superhuman strength, and was also the first example of the "sympathetic vampire", who loathes his condition but is a slave to it
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens emerged on the literary scene in the 1830s, confirming the trend for serial publication. Dickens wrote vividly about London life and struggles of the poor, often, as in Oliver Twist, employing a popular style which would prove accessible to readers of all classes. The festive tale A Christmas Carol he called his "little Christmas book". Great Expectations is a quest for maturity. A Tale of Two Cities is set in London and Paris. Dickens early works are masterpieces of comedy, such as The Pickwick Papers. Later his works became darker, without losing his genius for caricature.
The emotionally powerful works of the Brontë sisters: Charlotte's Jane Eyre, Emily's Wuthering Heights and Anne's Agnes Grey were released in 1847 after their search to secure publishers. William Makepeace Thackeray's satirised British society in Vanity Fair 1847, while Anthony Trollope's novels portrayed the lives of the landowning and professional classes of early Victorian England.
Although pre-dated by John Ruskin's The King of the Golden River in 1841, the history of the modern fantasy genre is generally said to begin with George MacDonald, influential author of The Princess and the Goblin and Phantastes 1858. William Morris was a popular English poet who wrote several fantasy novels during the latter part of the 19th century.
Lewis Carroll
Literature for children was published during the Victorian period, some of which has become globally well-known, such as the works of Lewis Carroll, notably Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, while Anna Sewell wrote the classic animal novel Black Beauty.
Wilkie Collins epistolary novel The Moonstone 1868, is often considered the first detective novel in the English language. The Woman in White is regarded as one of the finest sensation novels.
The novels of George Eliot, such as Middlemarch, were a milestone of literary realism, and combine high Victorian literary detail with an intellectual breadth that removes them from the narrow confines they often depict. Novels of Thomas Hardy and others, dealt with the changing social and economic situation of the countryside.
H. G. Wells
H. G. Wells, who alongside Jules Verne, is referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction", invented a number of themes that are now classic in the science fiction genre. The War of the Worlds 1898, describing an invasion of late Victorian England by Martians using tripod fighting machines equipped with advanced weaponry, is a seminal depiction of an alien invasion of Earth. The Time Machine is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term "time machine" coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to such a vehicle.

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