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4. Conclusion. 
We have demonstrated an 86-km compensated optical link using an urban telecom network 
with a frequency instability of 1.3×10
at 1 s and below 10
after one day of integration time. 
These results were obtained due to the use of two slightly different modulation frequencies for the 
two different propagation directions, the scrambling of the light polarization state and the 
compensation of the fiber chromatic dispersion. The ultimate limitation of the compensator itself is 
reached and can not be overcome easily. The stability of the present system enables comparison of 
the best frequency standards, both in the microwave and optical region, over distances of up to 
100 km. For longer distances, attenuation along the fiber is a crucial limitation. Optical amplifiers, 
which limit the frequency instability at a level slightly below 10
at 1 GHz, have a negligible 
effect at 10 GHz and can be used to recover a sufficient signal to noise ratio for distances up to 
about 200 km. For longer spans, an all optical compensation system is more promising. Modern 
dispersion shifted fibers with lower PMD values allow even better performance and can potentially 
extend the link beyond 200 km. 
We acknowledge funding support from the Ministère de la Recherche and European Space 
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