High-resolution microwave frequency dissemination on an 86-
km urban optical link
O. Lopez
, A. Amy-Klein
, M. Lours
, Ch. Chardonnet
and G. Santarelli
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13, CNRS, 99 Av. J.B. Clément, 93430
Villetaneuse, France
LNE-SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, UPMC, 61 Av. de l'Observatoire, Paris, France
Abstract : we report the first demonstration of a long-distance ultra stable frequency dissemination
in the microwave range. A 9.15 GHz signal is transferred through a 86-km urban optical link with a
fractional frequency instability of 1.3
at 1 s integration time and below 10
at one day. The
optical link phase noise compensation is performed with a round-trip method.
To achieve such a
result we implement light polarisation scrambling and dispersion compensation. This link
outperforms all the previous radiofrequency links and compares well with recently demonstrated
full optical links.
corresponding author Giorgio Santarelli, email : giorgio.santarelli@obspm.fr
PACS : 42.62.Eh, 06.30.Ft, 42.81.Uv
1. Introduction
Ultra-stable frequency transfer between remotely located laboratories
is required in time and
frequency metrology, fundamental physics, particle accelerators and astronomy.
Distant clock
comparisons are currently performed using satellites, by Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency
Transfer, or through the Global Positioning System. Both methods are limited to a 10
frequency instability for one day of averaging time [1]. This is insufficient to transfer the properties
of modern cold atom microwave frequency standards which
have demonstrated frequency
instability of a few 10
at one day [2, 3]. Beyond metrology, high-resolution clock comparison is
essential for advanced tests in fundamental physics, such as tests of the stability of fundamental
constants [4-6].
To overcome current
free space link limitations, the transmission of standard frequencies
over optical fibers has been investigated for several years [7-10]. This technique takes advantage of
the low attenuation, high reliability and continuous availability of fibers.
Radio frequency (RF) transmission using amplitude modulation of an optical carrier at
1 GHz have demonstrated a frequency instability as low as 5
at 1 s and 2
one day
over 86 km [11]. Direct optical frequency transfer [12-15] can provide even better stability and be
extended to greater distances. For both methods a phase noise correction is needed to compensate
for the fluctuation of the propagation delay due to mechanical perturbation and temperature
variation along the fibre. For this purpose the so-called round-trip method is used.
Radio frequency transmission over an optical link has already
been demonstrated at
100 MHz, 1 GHz and a few tens and hundreds of GHz [8, 9, 11, 16, 17]. In this paper, we report on
the transmission of a microwave frequency reference signal at 9.15 GHz over a 86-km urban fiber
link connecting our two laboratories, LPL and LNE-SYRTE. This work pursues the development of
stable frequency distribution of a reference signal already demonstrated between our two
laboratories in the RF domain at 100 MHz [8] and 1 GHz [11]. The fiber optical length fluctuations
induce phase fluctuations proportional to the modulation frequency,
thus moving to higher
frequency potentially leads to an increase of the signal-to-noise ratio of the detected fiber phase
fluctuations. Moreover a microwave frequency of about 10 GHz is well suited to applications
concerning particle accelerators [18] and astronomy and is close to the 9.192 GHz caesium
transition frequency used for the definition of the SI second. In the following, we describe the new
set-up. Then we present the resulting performance, discuss the limitations and conclude.