Names names Is there any tradition about naming babies?

Describe a group activity

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Describe a group activity
Well, being able to work in a team is one of the most essential skills that people need in their lives, be doing their studies or in workplace, because when you are able to divide the task equally among people, you can finish the task, unimaginably faster compared to working alone. As for me, I did most of my group activities when I was studying at university and it was actually fun.
One of the most interesting group projects I did at University was that we had to do a little research on the environmental impact of transport in my hometown and part of the research involved surveying people. And one of the requirements was that the survey had to include the views of at least 2000 people and it’s a huge survey, considering the fact that my city is one of the smallest in the country and if I did that alone, it would take me forever to complete the survey because I had to ask each participant three questions. So what we did was that there were 10 people in our team and in that case each of us had to survey 200 people which would take one or two days at most.
And then we again divided into smaller sub groups, consisting of two people, and conducted the survey in five different locations. And surprisingly enough we ended up finishing the survey in just two hours and our professor was taken aback by that. After finishing the survey, we gathered it again to have lunch and discussed what interesting things happened to us and what kind of interesting responses we got from people and it was very much fun.

Describe a first day at school
I guess very few people would disagree if I said that new beginnings are always exciting. Weather be it starting reading a new book or changing your job. They signify a new chapter in your life,a chapter that you hope will be unique that’s filled with joy and memorable events. This is exactly what it was for me when I started attending school.
Honestly, I cannot remember too many details about that day because it was like a lifetime ago but I do remember some things which I’ll probably never forget. The first thing is the way I dressed up for the day. Just a week before I started schooling. My parents got me a brand new suit and of course a matching pair of shoes. I had never had anything like that before. And I wore those and with my mom I went to school, which was not far away from where I used to live. And when I went there, they was a huge crowd. Mostly children like me and we were selected by our teachers to form classes. And that’s about it. At least this is all I can remember about it.
But after returning home, I remember that I boasted about how I went to school to my grandparents and my neighbors too and I don’t know they were just as excited as I was about it. And then I start attending school. I used to go to school early in the morning. And the first couple of weeks were quite difficult because you know I was trying to adapt to this new environment and then I made some friends and then the rest went quite smoothly.

Describe a noisy place you have been to

Noise pollution, in recent years has become one thing that most people complain about, especially in big cities like mine, where there’s a constant traffic flow, even during midnight. And that’s annoying especially when you’re tired and want to go to bed to get some sleep, but you cannot do that because of the excessive noise. This is at least what happened to me the other day.
I live just next to a very busy road and noise from traffic is what I cannot stand. I’ve even tried to talk my parents into buying a house on the outskirts of the city and they are seriously considering it because they are fed up too.
So what happened the other day was I came from work at around five and decided to go to bed as soon as I arrived because the day before that I had to stay up late until like 4 AM in the morning and I got like three hours of sleep in total so you can imagine why I wanted to go to bed so badly. But this little plan of mine didn’t come about because of the traffic noise. As it was rush-hour somewhere around 6 in the evening, there were more cars than usual, and they kept honking their horns, and the noise of the engine on top of that made it really difficult for me to fall asleep so much so that I had to take some pills.
As I was taking the pills, I was thinking about the ways by which I can convince my parents to move away from this place to somewhere peaceful. And I hope we will move to another place very soon.

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