Fitria Lapele,
Need Analysis On The Material…
by the teachers as a consideration to develop the materials. In fact, the teachers’ teaching
experiences in regular and international classes showed students’ different perception toward
the material. In the regular class, some of highly proficient students perceived that this kind of
material was too easy, whereas the other low proficient students told that it was difficult.
Different with that, in the international class, the students mostly received the materials easy to
be understood. The comparison above made the teachers really take into account about
students’ English proficiency and their learning experience to develop the materials.
Following that, the teachers also looked at the students’ interest in learning ESP speaking.
They directly asked the students related to their reasons and expectations. Most of the students
answered just for making their speaking English fluent. Nevertheless, thing that made the
teachers a bit confused was some students’ admission about their little expectation in learning
ESP speaking. Even they did not know what English would be used in their major. In this
situation, the teachers tried to give the description about the importance of English for their
future. In conclusion, from the variety of students’ English learning experiences, reasons, and
expectations in learning ESP speaking, the teachers could develop the materials appropriately.
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