Newprointernationa L

Gary Building something? [ bıldın sʌmθın ] Jim

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Building something?

[ bıldın sʌmθın ]

Nope. My damn toilette won’t flush. I have to get a new plunger.

[ nop . mai dæm toilə won flʌʃ . ai gadə gedə nu plʌnʤr ]


Same thing happened to me last year. Couldn’t fix it myself, though. Had to call in a plumber.

[ seim θiŋ hæpəndə mi læs jır . kʊdn fıks ıʔ maiself ðo . hædte kal ın ə plʌmr ]


Normally I would, too. But I figured I’d give it a shot since it’s my day off and all. And you? What are you up to on a fine day like this?

[ norməli ai wʊd tu . bʌdai fıgjʊrd aid gıv ıdə ʃa sıns ıts mai dei af æn al . ænʤu . hwʌʧə ʌptu anə fain dei laik ðis ]


Well, you know. All this sun got me thinking that I should get out and take up running again. Problem is, I couldn’t find my running shoes.

[ wel ju no . al ðıs sʌn gami θiŋkın ðædai ʃʊd gedæʊdæn teik ʌp rʌnın əgen . prabləm ız ai kʊdn fain mai rʌnın ʃuz ]


Going down to the sports store and get them there?

[ goın dæʊn tə ðə sports stor æn gedəm ðer ]


I thought I’d take a look. But I don’t want to spend much. I might drop by the mall, too. Cheaper there.

[ ai θadaid teikə lʊk . bʌdai don wanə spend mʌʧ . ai maiʔ drap bai ðə mal tu . ʧipr ðer ]


Uh-huh. Sounds like a plan. Oh, looks like my bus is coming. It was nice meeting you.

[ ʌhʌ↗ . sæʊnz laik ə plæn . o lʊks laik mai bʌsz kʌmiŋ . ıwʌz nais midiŋ ju ]


Same here. By the way, my name is Gary.

[ sim hır . bai ðə wei mai neimz geri ]

I’m Jim. Jim Buckley. Nice to meet you.

[ aim ʤım . ʤım bʌkli . nais tə miʧə ]


You, too. Well, good luck with the toilette.

[ ju tu . wel gʊd lʌk wıθ ðə toilət ]


Thanks, Gary. See you around!

[ θeiŋks geri . si jə əræʊnd ]


Take care.

[ teiker ]

Appendix A

Answer Key

Exercise 1 (page 7)

  1. If you need me, I’ll be waiting in the back room with Tom and Mary.

[ ıf jə nid mi, ail bi weidiŋ ın ðə bæk rum wıθ tam ən meri ]

  1. Fifteen people sat under the tree in the hot summer sun.

[ fıftin pipl sæt ʌndr ðə tri ın ðə hat sʌmr sʌn ]

  1. She found her keys under the sofa, along with a ten dollar bill.

[ ʃi fæʊnd hr kiz ʌndr ðə sofʌ, ʌlaŋ wıθ ə ten dalr bıl ]

  1. You will need to set up one hundred and fifty chairs.

[ ju wıl nid tə set ʌp wʌn hʌndrəd æn fıfdi ʧerz ]

  1. Instead of eating junk food every day, you should eat vegetables.

[ ınsted əv idiŋ ʤʌnk fud evri dei, ju ʃʊd it veʤtəblz ]

Exercise 2 (page 10)

  1. The boss wants Robin to go shopping at Loft One on Broadway.

[ ðə bas wans rabın tə go ʃapiŋ æt laft wʌn an bradwei ]

  1. He got a bottle of beer in the bar when he finished his job.

[ hi gadə badl ə bır ın ðə bar hwen i fınıʃd ız ʤab ]

  1. My dog ate a box of rotten donuts.

[ mai dag eidə baks ə raɁn donʌts ]

  1. Hot coffee costs two bucks, but it’s half off today.

[ hat kafi kasts tu bʌks, bʌt ıts hæf af tədei ]

  1. She has long blond hair and a lot of freckles.

[ ʃi hæz laŋ bland her ænə ladə freklz ]

Exercise 3 (page 14)

  1. We really think the fish and chips are impressive.

[ wi rıli θink ðə fıʃ æn ʧıps ar ımpresıv ]

  1. Living in this city is very interesting.

[ lıviŋ ın ðıs sıdi ız veri ıntrəstiŋ ]

  1. It will be impossible to be there at six o’clock.

[ ıt wıl bi ımpasəbl tə bi ðer æt sıks əklak ]

  1. Immigration is an important issue these days.

[ ıməgreiʃən ız ən ımportənt ıʃu ðiz deiz ]

  1. She shipped the sheepskin rugs in tins to the ten teens.

[ ʃi ʃıpd ðə ʃipskın rʌgz ın tınz tə ðə ten tinz ]
Exercise 4 (page 17)

  1. Would you look under the wood box in the back?

[ wʊʤə lʊk ʌndr ðə wʊd baks ın ðə bæk ]

  1. Truth was under attack in two new books.

[ truθ wəz ʌndr ətæk ın tu nu bʊks ]

  1. The rookie broke through with an outstanding batting average.

[ ðə rʊki brok θru wıθ ən æʊtstændiŋ bædiŋ ævreʤ ]

  1. They should view the bulding as a good model.

[ ðei ʃʊd vju ðə bıldiŋ æz ə gʊd madl ]

  1. I couldn’t prove it unless I used a computer.

[ ai kʊdn pruv ıt ʌnles ai juzd ə kəmpjudr ]

Exercise 5 (page 23)

  1. These problems are extremely complicated.

[ ðiz prabləmz ar ekstrimli kamplıkeidəd ]

  1. Charlie tried to measure the yellow cotton jacket.

[ ʧarli traid tə meiʒr ðə jelo kaɁn ʤækət ]

  1. She was singing a song written at the turn of the century.

[ ʃi wʌz siŋiŋ ə saŋ rıɁn æɁðə trn əðə senʧʊri ]

  1. I think they thought about the theory for three thousand years.

[ ai ðink ðei θat əbæʊt ðə θıri fr θri θæʊznd jırz ]

  1. Thomas usually works on his homework a few hours every night.

[ taməs juʒli wrks an hız homwrk ə fju æʊrz evri nait ]
Exercise 6 (page 27)

  1. Leftovers really taste much better if they are fried.

[ lefdovrz rıli teist mʌʧ bedr ıf ðei ar fraid ]

  1. Please leave the rest of the papers in the tray on the right.

[ pliz liv ðə rest əv ðə peiprz ın ðə trej an ðə rait ]

  1. Larry loves his girlfriend more than anything in the world.

[ leri lʌvz hız grlfrend mor thən eniθiŋ ın ðə wrld ]

  1. A pleasing smell drifted through the livingroom.

[ ə pliziŋ smel drıfdəd θru ðə lıviŋrum ]

  1. Clearly her brother likes beer more than other drinks.

[ klırli hr brʌðr laiks bır mor ðæn ʌθr driŋks ]

Exercise 7 (page 31)

  1. Thirty other leather coats were there in the bathtub.

[ θrdi ʌðr leðr kots wr ðer ın ðə bæθtʌb ]

  1. Clothing can be thought of as an expression of thought.

[ kloðiŋ kn bi θat əv æz ən ekspreʃən əf θat ]

  1. My mother and brother visited me when I went north.

[ mai mʌðr æn brʌðr vızıdəd mi hwen ai went norθ ]

  1. The weather thankfully cleared up last month.

[ ðə weðr θeiŋkfʊli klırd ʌp læs mʌnθ ]

  1. One tenth of the math problems were beneath the graph.

[ wʌn tenθ əv ðə mæθ prabləmz wr biniθ ðə græf ]

Exercise 8 (page 34)

  1. She seemed ready to finish.

[ ʃi simd redi tə fınıʃ ]

  1. She sells shiny seashells by the seashore.

[ ʃi selz ʃaini siʃelz bai ðə siʃor ]

  1. You should sweep up the sheep hair.

[ ju ʃʊd swip ʌp ðə ʃip her ]

  1. We’ll go shopping at City Center.

[ wıl go ʃapiŋ æt sıdi senr ]

  1. She likes to sip soda on the deck of the ship.

[ ʃi laiks tə sıp sodə an ðə dek əðə ʃıp ]

Exercise 9 (page 37)

  1. I bought an orange cotton shirt with big buttons.

[ ai badən ornʤ kaɁn ʃrt wıθ bıg bʌɁnz ]

  1. I recently moved into a new apartment.

[ ai risənɁli muvd ıntu ə nu əparɁmən ]

  1. If you had eaten the rotten potatoes you would be sick.

[ ıf ju hæd iɁn ðə raɁn pəteidoz ju wʊd bi sık ]

  1. I haven’t seen any frightening movies lately.

[ ai hævn sin eni fraiɁniŋ muviz leiɁli ]

  1. Have you forgotten why he was beaten?

[ hæv ju forgaɁn hwai hi wʌz biɁn ]

Exercise 10 (page 40)

  1. These fine wines are made from the vines of France.

[ ðiz fain wainz r meid frəm ðə vainz ə fræns ]

  1. The Fern Island ferry is very fast.

[ ðə frn ailən feri ız veri fæst ]

  1. They’ve decided to leave if the fire covers the field.

[ ðeiv dısaidəd tə liv ıf ðə fajr kʌvrz ðə fıld ]

  1. The police have to cuff her and cover her with a towel.

[ ðə pəlis hæf tə kʌfr and kʌvr r wıθ ə tæwəl ]

  1. If you live in Finland, you’ll find that Finish food is wonderful.

[ ıf ju lıv ın fınlənd , jul faind ðæt fınıʃ fud ız wʌndrfʊl ]

Exercise 11 (page 43)

  1. I don’t know what to think of this.

[ ai don no hwə tə θiŋk ə ðıs ]

  1. I got four of these for only four dollars.

[ ai gaɁ for ə ðiz fr onli for dalrz ]

  1. To be successful we like to plan for every outcome.

[ tə bi səksesfʊl wi laik tə plæn fr evri æʊɁkəm ]

  1. She sang a song of love for her sweetheart.

[ ʃi seiŋ ə saŋ ə lʌv fr r swiɁhart ]

  1. There were two days of auditions for the four parts.

[ ðer wr tu deiz əv adıʃənz fr ðə for parts ]

Exercise 12 (page 46)

  1. Can you believe the reaction and reception you got?

[ kæn jə bəliv ðə riækʃən ən resepʃən jə gat ]

  1. You have a big and powerful voice and good intonation.

[ jəhævə bıgn pæwrfʊl voisngʊd ıntoneiʃən ]

  1. I think you should focus on conversation and communication.

[ ai θiŋk jə ʃʊd fokəs an kanvrseiʃən æn kəmjunəkeiʃən ]
Exercise 13 (page 50)

  1. These are his papers, but I don’t think he finished them.

[ ðiz r ız peiprz , bʌdai don θiŋk i fınıʃd əm ]

  1. Where did she have her shoes fixed?

[ hwerd ʃi hævr ʃuz fıksd ]

  1. Where is his bag?

[ hwer z ız bæg ]

  1. I saw him talking to them at the mall.

[ ai sa ım takiŋ tu əm æɁðə mal ]

  1. Why did he leave so early?

[ hwai d i liv so rli ]

Exercise 14 (page 54)

  1. I’m going to have to call him soon, but I have to call her first.

[ aim gənə hæftə kalım sun , bʌdai gadə kalr frs ]

  1. We are going to Beijing so we are going to buy a suitcase.

[ wır goiŋtə beiʒiŋ so wır gənə bai ə suɁkeis ]

  1. You have to do what you want to do!

[ jə gadə du hwəʧə wanə du ]

  1. I usually hang out at that coffee shop because it’s comfortable.

[ ai juʒli heiŋ æʊdæɁðæɁ kafi ʃap kʌz ıts kʌmftəbl ]

  1. I want a book that’s interesting.

[ ai wanə bʊk ðæts ıntrəstiŋ ]

Exercise 15 (page 58)

  1. I’ve been wanting to enter this school since I graduated.

[ aiv bın waniŋ tə enr ðıs skul sıns ai græʤueidəd ]

  1. It’s pretty hard to be a painter.

[ ıts prıdi hard tə bi ə peinr ]

  1. Winter was bitterly cold.

[ wınr wəz bıdrli kold ]

  1. The beautiful letter made him cry.

[ ðə bjudıfʊl ledr maid ım krai ]

  1. We’ll be waiting at the statue in the center of the university.

[ wıl bi weidiŋ aɁ ðə stæʧu ın ðə senr ə ðə junəvrsıdi ]

Exercise 16 (page 62)

  1. I went yesterday, and I went the day before, but I didn’t see you there.

[ ai wenʧesdrdei , æn ai wen ðə dei bəfor , bʌdai dıdn si jə ðer ]

  1. First we need a bit of hot pepper and then a sweet onion.

[ frs wi nid ə bıd ə haɁ pepr æn ðen ə swid ʌnjən ]

  1. We’ll meet at your place.

[ wıl mid æʧr pleis ]

  1. I can’t sit here and let you hurt yourself.

[ ai kæn sıɁ hır æn leʧə hrʧrself ]

  1. She was lost in the forrest for at least five hours.

[ ʃi wəz las ın ðə forəs fr æ lis faiv æʊrz ]

Exercise 17 (page 64)

  1. Its kind of far to my house from here.

[ ıts kainə far də mai hæʊs frəm hır ]

  1. You have to go to the supermarket on your way to the party.

[ jə gadə godə ðə suprmarkəd an jr wei də ðə pardi ]

  1. We’ll be sure to get a good room.

[ wıl bi ʃr də ged ə gʊd rum ]

  1. I’m too poor to go to Hawaii for vacation.

[ aim tu por də godə həwaji fr vəkeiʃən ]

  1. He is going to fly to London to try to convince her to marry him.

[ hiz gənə flai də lʌndən tə trai də kənvıns r də meri ım ]

Pronunciation Chart


(Phonetic Alphabet Revised for English for Speakers of Other Languages)

[a]: father, [faðr], top [tap], want [want]

[o]: bone [bon], cone [kon], phone [fon]

[u]: blue [blu], shoe [ʃu], rooster [rustr]

[e]: get [get], feather [feðr], medicine [medəsn]

[i]: feet [fit], heat [hit], mean [min]

[ı]: dig [dıg], ship [ʃıp], picnic [pıknık]

[ʌ]: cup [kʌp], love [lʌv], fun [fʌn]

[ə]: a [ə], of [əv], computer [kəmpiudr]

[æ]: back [bæk], cat [kæt], happy [hæpi]

[ʊ]: book [bʊk], foot [fʊt], neigborhood [neibrhʊd]

[b]: baby [beibi], cable [keibl], brown [bræun], bathtub [bæθtʌb]

[d]: dish [dıʃ], order [ordr], advertise [ædvərtaiz], said [sed]

[f]: fish [fıʃ], fox [faks], after [æfdr], photographer [fətagrəfr]

[g]: going [goiŋ], give [gıv], egg [eg]

[h]: hello [helo], hamster [hæmsdr], human [hjumən], ahead [əhed]

[k]: kite [kait], cat [kæt], actor [ækdr], quickly [kwıkli], actually [ækʃli]

[l]: love [lʌv], really [rıli], fall [fal]

[m]: music [miuzık], lamp [læmp], farm [farm]

[n]: nose [noz], funny [fʌni], entertainment [enərtainmen]

[p]: piece [pis], opportunity [apərtunıdi], camp [kæmp]

[r]: ring [riŋ], early [rli], other [ʌðr]

[s]: song [saŋ], basket [bæsket], force [fors]

[t]: telephone [teləfon], interesting [ıntrəstiŋ], boat [bot]

[v]: violin [vaiəlın], over [ovr], give [gıv]

[w]/[hw]: one [wʌn], with [wıθ], where [hwer], when [hwen], why [hwai]

[z]: zebra [zibrə], visible [vızəbl], pickles [pıklz]
[ʃ]: shopping [ʃapiŋ], fashion [fæʃən], finish [fınıʃ]

[ʧ]: child [ʧaild], watching [waʧiŋ], spinach [spınıʧ]

[ʒ]: garage [gəraʒ], measure [meiʒʊr]

[ʤ]: jam [ʤæm], ledger [leʤr], edge [eʤ]

[ð]: this [ðıs], other [ʌðr], bathe [beið]

[θ]: think [θiŋk], author [aθr], math [mæθ]

[ŋ]: ringing [riŋiŋ], hungry [hʌŋgri], Hong Kong [haŋkaŋ]

[ʔ]: cotton [kaʔn], button [bʌʔn], eaten [iʔn]

[j]: yellow [jelo], you [ju]/[jə], saying [seijiŋ]

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