MERICAN Journal of Public Diplomacy and International Studies www. Discussion . A review of existing approaches to the formation of competitive strategies of
commercial enterprises in the digital economy revealed significant shortcomings in the development
and implementation of modern competitive strategies: one of them is the failure to take into account
the interdependence of the dominant definitions of "competitiveness" and "competitive strategy". The
main link between them is the strategic potential of retail trade enterprises, which is represented by
financial opportunities, trade potential, competitiveness of sold products, labor potential, material and
technical potential, brand competitiveness, etc. The relationship of dominant definitions is shown in
Figure 1.8.
Figure 2. The relationship of dominant definitions (developed by the author). Any enterprise can use these innovative strategies to expand its activities and increase its
competitiveness. If the enterprise can effectively use the project in the implementation of its
innovation strategy, it will have the opportunity to establish very effective relations with its customers
and partners. However, in this case, the enterprise does not fundamentally change its main activity
due to corporate projects, but on the contrary, it creates an opportunity to expand its activities. Based
on this, it can be said that it is very unlikely that retail enterprises will develop their innovative
strategy, implement their strategic goals and general economic strategy without analyzing the actual
state of their innovative activities and scientific and technical support and the possibilities of its
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Competitive strategy
Strategic potential