Information Fusion 88 (2022) 263–280
M.F. Criado et al.
This work has received financial support from AEI/FEDER (EU)
grant number PID2020-119367RB-I00. It has also been supported by
the Xunta de Galicia - Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Univer-
sidade (Centros de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019–2022
ED431G-2019/04 and ED431G2019/01, and Reference Competitive
Groups accreditation 2021–2024, ED431C 2018/29, ED431F2018/02
and ED431C 2021/30) and the European Union (European Regional
Development Fund - ERDF). Finally, it has also been funded by the Min-
isterio de Universidades of Spain in the FPU 2017 program
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