Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2022: 5.947 Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7 716
w www.oriens.uz October 2022 As we know, any language is learnt in four directions: writing, reading, speaking
and listening. One cannot be the best learner without any of them. At first, letters then
words after then phrases and sentences create in one's mind.
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Using audio cassettes, prepare recordings, two to three minutes in length, of
foreign accents; this can be done individually or in pair or groups. The recordings
should consist of short interviews with speakers who are not very proficient in the
target language. In a country where the target language is not locally spoken, it makes
sense to use as interviewees natives of this country, but other accents may be use in
It is, of course, much easier just to ask people to read aloud in order to make the
recording, but resist the temptation! There are various reasons for this: someone
reading aloud has time to think consciously about how they are speaking, and we are
looking for «intuitive» pronunciation; the reading passage may include words the
interviewee does not know; and perception of spelling affects pronunciation.
Improvised speech produces much better samples, which may later, incidentally, be
used to examine lexical and grammatical errors. If you find it difficult to think of
questions for an interview, the interviewee can be asked to describe a picture, or retell
a well-known story. If you have not made such recordings before, make a brief trial
recording of a few seconds and play it back in order to check that you have the
distance, volume, microphone and so on properly adjusted. Begin the actual interview
only when you are sure getting a clear recording.
Within the dialogue-pattern drill, approach the teacher can take following steps
to emphasize listening comprehension:
1. Present the dialogue as a story, in the foreign language, using simple
language. Explain the meaning of some of the new words and expressions that will
appear in the dialogue through gestures, visual aids, use of synonyms, paraphrasing,
etc. The idea, at this point, is not to teach the exact meaning of every new linguistic
element in the dialogue, but rather to convey the general idea of the content in story
form. Further, in order to provide additional listening comprehension practice,
embellish the story by making up facts about the characters, which are not in the
dialogue, using only previously learned vocabulary.
2. Present the dialogue orally, acting out the various roles. Point to stick figures
on the chalkboard, drawings, or cutouts on a flannel board to make clear to students
at all times which character is speaking. Stop to get across meanings of new words