Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 ISSN 2181-1784 Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2022: 5.947 Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7 718
w www.oriens.uz October 2022 Model good listening skills The easiest and best way to help children improve their listening skills is to
model good listening skills yourself. Listen respectfully to them even if you don't
agree with what there are saying. Children need adults to stay calm and be reasonable
to learn how to respond in different situations. Verbalize back to children what they
are saying to make listen to their own words. Use your larger vocabulary to state back
what their feelings and ideas. This Show them the value of listening closely and let
them know that words have worth. Encourage children to use these same easy ways
of listening to resolve conflicts among themselves without having to get an adult
involved. Practice role playing various scenes to illustrate how valuable listening
skills can resolve conflicts.
Encourage open discussions Another easy way to improve children's listening skills is to regularly participate
in open discussions, especially in informal settings. If there is a special topic that
needs to be address, give children a chance to think about it and organizetheir
thoughts before sitting down and talking about it. First, one should listen attentively
to what they think followed by restating back to them what you think they said. If
they agree with what you just restated, calmly discuss your ideas and opinions with
them and ask them to state back to you what they think you said. Smile often and
keep your demeanor calm and encouraging. Ask open-ended questions that need
long, involved answer instead of just one or two words. Make them feel like their
opinion matters. Remember these listening skills will be important for the rest of their
lives to always engage children with discussions on as many topics as possible to
keep communication open.