Remember this….”every process produces the outcome which it was designed to produce.” It is not about people not performing well, it is about the process design! The majority of employees want to do good work and take pride in the work that they do. Plan – Do – Study – Act Plan – List the tasks needed to set up the test of change.
What will be the measures? Do – Perform the process change and describe what actually happened when you performed the test Study – Describe the measured results and how they compared to your predictions. Act – Describe modifications to the plan to be made for the next cycle based on what was learned. It is important to include team members who are closest to the work, they are known as
“stakeholders.” They will be affected by process changes. Don’t forget that stakeholders may be
both internal and external groups.
NATIONAL PATIENT SAFETY GOALS (NPSG) The purpose of the NPSG is to promote specific improvements in patient safety. The goals highlight problematic areas in health care and describe evidence and expert- based solutions to these problems. The NPSGs are derived primarily from informal recommendations made in the Joint Commission’s safety newsletter, Sentinel Event Alert. The sentinel event database, which contains identified