Dvigatelnoe deystvie – gruppa dvijeniy, ob’edinennыx v sistemu dlya resheniya kakoy-libo dvigatelnoy zadachi.
The motor action is a group of movements united in a system to solve some motor task.
Jismoniy mashq – deb, jismoniy tarbiya qonuniyatlariga muvofiq tarzda tashkillashtirilgan inson harakat faolligiga aytiladi (L.P.Matveev, 1976).
Fizicheskoe uprajnenie - dvigatelnaya aktivnost cheloveka, organizovannaya v sootvetstvii s zakonomernostyami fizicheskogo vospitaniya (L.P.Matveev, 1976).
Physical exercise - the motor activity of a person, organized in accordance with the laws of physical education (LP Matveev, 1976).
Jismoniy mashq – deb, insonning jismoniy kamolotga erishishi uchun yaratilgan va qo‘llaniladigan harakat amallariga aytiladi (B.A.Ashmarin, 1990).
Fizicheskoe uprajnenie - dvigatelnыe deystviya, sozdannыe i primenyaemыe dlya fizicheskogo sovershenstvovaniya cheloveka (B.A.Ashmarin, 1990).
Physical exercise - motor actions created and used for physical improvement of a person (BA Ashmarin, 1990).
Jismoniy mashq – bu jismoniy madaniyat vazifalarini amalga oshirish uchun, uning rivojlanish qonuniyatlariga muvofiq tarzda shakllantirilgan va tashkil etilgan harakat amallaridir (J.K. Xolodov).
Fizicheskoe uprajnenie - eto dvigatelnыe deystviya, kotorыe napravlenы na realizatsiyu zadach fizicheskoy kulturы, sformirovannыe i organizovannыe v sootvetstvie s zakonomernostyami еe razvitiya (J.K. Xolodov).
Physical exercise is a movement that is directed towards the realization of the tasks of physical culture, formed and organized in accordance with the laws of its development (Zh. Kholodov).