After class have been discussed the definition of ESP teacher made a conclusion and say: One of the common themes in the above statements is that ESP courses are narrower in focus than ELI courses — 'tasks prescribed by their work or study situation arc mentioned in 1.2, 'narrowing down the spectrum' in 1.3 and 'a narrower range of topics' in 1.4. The statements mention learner needs. ESP courses are narrower in focus than general ELT courses because they centre on analysis of learners' needs. The statements show that ESP views learners in terms of their work or study roles and that ESP courses focus on work- or study-related needs, not personal needs or general interests. A number of specific work and study roles were mentioned including an air traffic controller, an engineering student, a science student and a businessperson. And lastly, there is mention of the fact that ESP involves analysis of texts and language use learners will encounter in their work and study situations - 'text analysis' is mentioned in 1.2 and 'description of laboratory procedures' in 1.4.
Lesson 11-12. Study and analysis of needs (needs according to the situation, learning needs) Part 1-2
Foreign language teaching in special directions (fields)
Study and analysis of needs (needs according to the situation, learning needs)Part1-2
80 minutes
To analyse needs analysis: target situation needs; learning needs
1. Harding, K. (2007) English for Specific Purposes (Resource books for teachers). 2. Jordan, R. R. (2005) English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers. 3. Dudley-Evans, T. & M-J. St John (1998) Developments in English for Specific Purposes.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Charts, laptop with speakers, handouts, white board