2. Mustaqil ta’lim mashgulotlari……………………………………….….…..281
3. Glossariy………………………………………………..…………………….282
4. Ilovalar……………………………………………………………………….288
4.1. Fan dasturi…………………………………………..…………………….288
4.2. Ishchi fan dasturi……………………………...……………………….....302
4.3. Tarqatma materiallar……………………………………………........……316
4.4. Testlar………………………………………………………..……………321
4.5. Ishchi fan dasturiga muvofiq baholash mezonlarini qo’llash bo’yicha
uslubiy qo’llanmalar………………..……………….……………..…….351
O’quv-uslubiy majmuaning elektron variant
Module 1. Classroom research Lesson 1. Stages of classroom research (teacher problem identification and formulating a realistic research question
Classroom research
Stages of classroom research (teacher problem identification and formulating a realistic research question)
80 minutes
To let students analyse stages of classroom investigation
1. Wainryb, R. (1992) Classroom Observation Tasks 2. James, P. (2001). Teachers in Action.
Charts, laptop with speakers, audio recordings, handouts, video clips, white board
Classroom research Objectives:
To introduce participants classroom investigation procedures
To familiarize participants with research methods
Lead-in Time: 15 min
Materials: Handout 1
Ask participa nts to match classroom research procedures to their definitions.
Possible answers:
Teaching journals
Written or recorded accounts of teaching experiences.
Lesson reports
Written accounts of lessons which describe the main features of the lessons.
Surveys and questionnaires.
Activities such as administering a questionnaire or completing a survey, designed to collect information on a particular aspect of teaching or learning.
Audio and video recordings
Recordings of a lesson, or part of a lesson.
Tasks completed by a student teacher observing a cooperating teacher's class, or peer observation (i.e., tasks completed by a teacher visiting a colleague's class).