Lead in (10 min)
Materials: A 4 paper for each participant
☺ (5 min) Say that during this session you would like participants to think about the roles a teacher can play in the classroom. Distribute A 4 paper to each participant and ask them to put their names in the middle of the page and write all thepossible roles they play in their classroom around the name (mind map style).
☺☺☺ (3 min) Put participants in 4 groups and invite them to compare their lists and share their ideas.
☺(2 min)Invite each group to briefly report on the roles that they discussed and make a list of roles mentioned by the participants on the board.
Activity 1 Exploring the article Objective: to enable participants to explore the article
Time: 25min
Materials: article Facilitation in Language Teaching by A. Underhill (distributed earlier)
☺ (5 min) Make sure that everyone has got the article Facilitation in Language Teaching by A. Underhill (it should be read by this session). Invite participants to go individually through pages 1-9 and underline 4 things they liked in the article in particular (limit the number of things to 4, otherwise the discussion that follows will take too much time).
☺☺☺ (10 min) Put participants in groups of 4 and ask them to share their ideas.
☺(5 min) Invite a spokesperson from each group to summarise the main points of their discussion.
(Optional) Share your own 4 things.
Say that it is difficult to give a strictdefinition of the role of a facilitator and in this session participants will try to explore the concept of facilitation in teaching through the article.