Evaluation noun, evaluate verb - To assess or judge the quality, importance or effectiveness of something. Teachers may evaluate learners’ progress or strengths and weaknesses.
Facilitator - Developing learner autonomy. Enabling learners to fulfil their potential. Helping learners to access resources. Providing opportunities for individual learning.
Фасилитатор, посредник
Feedback noun + verb, conduct, give feedback.
1.To tell learners how well they are doing. This could be at a certain point in the course, or after an exercise that learners have just completed. 2. To communicate to a speaker that you understand (or not) what they are saying.
Munosabat bildirish
Flashcard - a card with words, sentences or pictures on it. A teacher can use these to explain a situation, tell a story, teach vocabulary etc.
Карточка с текстом и картинкой
Matn va suratli kartochka
Formative assessment - When a teacher uses information on learners’ progress during a course to adapt their teaching or to give learners feedback on their learning.
Формирующая оценка
Formativ baholash