Reference materials, resources - The materials which teachers and learners can use to find or check information, e.g. grammar books, dictionaries or CD-ROMS.
Справочные материалы, ресурсы
Ma'lumotnomalar, manbalar
Role-play - A classroom activity in which learners are given roles to act out in a given situation, e.g. a job interview role-play where one learner would be the interviewer and the other learner would be the interviewee. Role-plays are usually done in pairs or groups.
Ролевая игра
Rolli o’yin
Self-assessment - When learners decide for themselves how good they think their progress or language use is.
O’z-o’zini baholash
Sentence completion - A task-type in which learners are given parts of a sentence, e.g. the beginning or the end, and are asked to complete the sentence, using specific target language, e.g. At the weekend, I love … ; In the evenings, I enjoy … .
Завершить предложение
Gapni tugallash
Structural Approach - A way of teaching which uses a syllabus based on grammatical structures. The order in which the language is presented is usually based on how difficult it is thought to be.
Структурный подход
Strukturaviy yondashuv