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4-KURS . MAJMUA 23-24 tayyor (2)

During a grammar practice activity
A. … so we’re going to stop this activity for five minutes to look at them again.
B. Close your books, please, and concentrate on the whiteboard again.
C. I can see a lot of mistakes with the verb patterns …
D. Listen up, everybody. Can I stop you there for a moment?
a. D, B, C, A
b. D, A, C, B
c. B, C, D, A
d. B, D, C, A
56. Choose the TEFL method or approach. The teacher says commands and acts them out. The students try to perform the action. The teacher repeats by saying the command without acting it out. The students respond. The roles are then reversed.
a) the direct approach
b) total physical response
c) the natural approach
57. Choose the TEFL method or approach. The teacher introduces grammatical structures and rules by showing a video. The students practise the grammar in context. The teacher gives lots of meaningful examples to demonstrate the grammar.
a) the inductive approach
b) the deductive aproach
c) the reductive approach
58. What is Body Language?
a. Postures, gestures, and facial expressions.
b. The exchange of information through the use of words.
c. Your words say one thing but your body language say another.
d. Speak from your point of view.
59. What are the benefits of student involvement in their own assessment process?
a. Increased motivation to learn
b. Increased validity and reliability of classroom assessment
c. Sense of ownership
d. All of the above
60. A process to identify students’ learning styles, learning difficulties in order to enhance their learning is called ...
a. Evaluation
b. Teaching
c. Assessment
61. The teaching approach which insisted on presenting spoken language from tape before the students encountered the written form is
a. audio – lingual
b. direct
c. CLT
62. The ______________________ method uses spoken, not written, commands.
a. Silent
b. Total Physical Response
c. Immersion
63. What is the primary purpose of assessments?
a. Inform parents of student progress
b. Provide feedback to help students succeed
c. Allow schools to compare progress
d. Enable teachers to test strategies
64. What do you call a test that helps teachers to decide what they need to teach? 
a. Placement
b. Diagnostic
c. Achievement
d. Proficiency
65. What do you call a test that a teacher uses to assess how much students have learned? 
a. Placement
b. Diagnostic
c. Achievement
d. Proficiency
66. What do you call a test that proves how much a student knows about a subject? 
a. Placement
b. Diagnostic
c. Achievement
d. Proficiency
67. What do you call a test that is used to split the students into classes at different levels of ability? 
a. Placement
b. Diagnostic
c. Achievement
d. Proficiency
68. ….. is looking through the text quickly in order to find some specific information
a. Scanning
b. Skimmig
c. Gist reading
69. ….. is a correction of a learner’s mistakes by fellow learners
a. Peer correction
b. Error correction
c. Self-correction
70. Learners who take an active role in their learning take responsibility for their own learning
a. True b. False
71. An autonomous person is dependent and can hardly make his/ her own decision
a. True b. False
72. Video gives elementary learners an opportunity to listen to authentic English and understand the language while watching the film
a. True b. False
73. Covering mouth with one’s hands shows respect towards the guest
a. True b. False
74. The most common interpretations of culture distinguish between culture with a capital ‘C’- a nation’s history, literature, music, architecture, and culture with a small ‘c’ – people’s customs, everyday habits, traditions and traditional values
a. True b. False
75. No textbook is ideal. Authors of ELT textbooks might be leading professionals but they will not know about your context, or the specific needs of your learners
a. True b. False
76. By simplifying the text a teacher can make it more accessible for his/her students a. True b. False
77. Some activities can be used both in Pre and While stage of the lesson
a. True b. False
78. Class books should have top-to-down approach to grammar rules
a. True b. False
79. It is useful to provide questionnaire within the mixed ability class for feedback
a. True b. False
80. Effective teachers vary their instructional strategies. Mrs. Haugen divides students into groups and gives each group a segment of the historical timeline for the unit​ they've been studying. She gives each group a poster board and markers. Next she instructs each group to make a poster that shows historical events that occurred during their segment of history. What type of instructional strategies does Mrs. Haugen use in this​ scenario?
a. Traditional
b. Student-directed
c. Authentic
d. Teacher-directed
81. Providing feedback, enabling students to make comments or annotations, having students answer questions that require thinking, and involving students in educational games are all examples of ways you can make your instructional media _________.
a. Interactive
b. Active learning
c. Interactivity
82. When we are teaching vocabulary to young learner, the new vocabulary should be ______________ with the vocabulary that they already known.
a. learned
b. added
c. connected
d. suitable
83. “How words go together naturally” is the definition of?
a. Synonym
b. Antonym
c. Hyponim
d. Collocation
84. What is the right grammar activity for older children?
a. Find the definition of the word
b. Find synonyms of the word
c. Translating some sentence
d. Make a sentence in group
85. Choose the appropriate alternative for each statement below
Really knowing a word means knowing _____.
a. denotation meaning and imaginative meaning
b. imaginative meaning
c. denotation meaning
86. Knowing a word involves understand its forms distinguished by _____.
a. what part of speech the word is
b. how the word is Pronounced and spelt
c. Both are correct.
87. Meaning of some vocabulary items is created by.......
a. adding prefixes of suffixes
b. making compound words
c. All are correct.
d. words that often occur together
88. To distinguish the meaning of words, items can be grouped into _____.
a. synonyms (words with similar meaning)
b. antonyms (words with opposite meaning)
c. lexical sets ( words that belongs to the same topic)
d. all of them
89. Mime is very useful for teaching action verbs and it can help to keep students engaged and retain new words.
a. True b. False
90. Students need to learn words in context and encounter new words multiple times to effectively acquire them.
a. True b. False
91. The majority of vocabulary acquisition occurs
a. independently by learners studying word lists
b. incidentally through oral and written exposure
c. intentionally through formal classroom instruction
92. Which sentence is an example of a figure of speech called "hyperbole"?
a. I asked him a million times.
b. Her voice is as sweet as candy.
c. There was a deafening silence in the room.
93. When the direct object of a separable phrasal verb is a pronoun, it
a. MUST go after the two parts
b. MUST go between the two parts
c. can go between or after the two parts
94. Listening should not be considered a passive language skill in which the learner is simply receiving language input.
a. True b. False
95. Among the goals of pre-listening is
a. To provide a list of new vocabulary and expressions found in the text.
b. To create expectations about the content of the listening text.
c. To give students an outline of the main ideas in the text.
96. What is the communication skill that we use the most?
a. Reading
b. Writing
c. Listening
d. Speaking
97. What is the last step in pre-listening part?
a. Brainstorm the vocabulary and topic
b, Examine the pictures
c. Predict the answers
d. Listen and do the tasks
98. What do we teach the student when teaching speaking? (There is more than one correct answer)
a. Express, organize thoughts, use of language
b. How to use intonation, stress and rhythm
c. How to select appropriate words and sentences
d. Use logical sequence
99. Many factors influence our motivation to learn a language. Find the right factor that influence our motivation to find jobs, get on to courses of study, get good marks from the teacher.
a) encouragement and support from others
b) our interest in the learning process
c) feeling good about learning the language
.d) the usefulness to us of knowing the language well
100. Find the right examples for the factor that influence our interest in the learning process
a) the interest and relevance to us of the course content, classroom activities, the teacher's personality, teaching methods.
b) for finding jobs, getting on to courses of study, getting good marks from the teacher
c) success, self-confidence (feeling that we can do things successfully), learner autonomy/independence (feeling responsible for and in control of our own learning)
d) encouragement and support from otherslike teacher, parents, classmates, school, society
101. Choose the right answer: …. is the thoughts and feelings we have which make us want to do something, continue to want to do it and turn our wishes into action.
a) encouragement b) support c) motivation d) assistance
102. Choose the right answer: In productive language, this can be simply a measure of how many connected words a person can say or write in a given time. … measures may also take into account the number of hesitations, self-corrections, repetitions, and space fillers like ‘um’. A person may speak quite slowly but be very assured because none of these ‘interruptions’ occur.
a) accuracy b) complexity .c) fluency
103. Choose the right answer: … relates to the number of mistakes a speaker (or writer) makes, and to whether they use the forms that are expected for the type of text being produced. For example, it would be incorrect to use very formal language in a personal note to a friend, just as it is incorrect to write “he was falled down”
.a) accuracy c) fluency b) complexity
104. What are the major types of communication strategies?
a) Direct, indirect and visual .b) Verbal, nonverbal and visual. c) E-mail, verbal and phone
105. What is the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver?
a) Strategy b) Technology .c) Communication
106. … such as practice exercises, reading passages, gap fills, recordings, etc. can be found in almost any course book as well as in books containing supplementary materials. They form an essential part of most lessons.
.a) Text-based materials b) Task-based materials c) Realia
107. Task-based materials …
a) … such as practice exercises, reading passages, gap fills, recordings, etc. can be found in almost any course book as well as in books containing supplementary materials. They form an essential part of most lessons.
.b) … include game boards, role-play cards, materials for drilling, pair work tasks, etc. They might be used to support 'real life' tasks such as role-playing booking into a hotel or a job interview.
c) … include such things as magazines, newspapers, fruit and vegetables, axes, maps - things from the real world outside the classroom.
108. What do we mean by an individual’s natural, habitual, and preferred way of absorbing, processing, and retaining new information and skills?
a) learning strategy .b) learning style c) learning approach
109. Choose the right aim for the following lesson summary:
Learners put jumbled sections of a text in order. The teacher focuses on conjunctions, time expressions, pronouns, etc. Learners make notes on a similar topic, and then they produce a similar text.
a. to train learners to learn autonomously
b. to give learners oral fluency practice
c. to raise awareness of how to join sentences and paragraphs
d. to revise and consolidate vocabulary
110. Choose the right aim for the following lesson summary:
Learners work in large groups to brainstorm ideas on different roles, and then form new groups for a role-based discussion. The teacher monitors the discussion.
a. to practise writing for a communicative purpose
b. to train learners to learn autonomously
c. to give learners oral fluency practice
d. to raise awareness of how to join sentences and paragraphs
111. What of the following characterizes best a well-managed class? When learners
a. are controlled by the teacher
b. blindly obey teachers' instructions
c. pursue their task without inhibition
d. are engaged in an activity that leads them to realize the set goal
112. What should a teacher do for students in his class whose ability are behind their grade level?
a. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level
b. Give them the same work as other students, because they will absorb as much as they are capable of.
c. Give the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed.
d. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmates level to challenge them.
113. One characteristic of an adult learner is that they take a direct role in the learning process. A form of learning discussed in class that has this principle central to its theory is 
a. Active learning
b. Lecture
c, Self-directed learning
d. Experiential learning
114. Which role is the teacher playing here? The teacher listens to the students having a group discussion, and takes notes of sample language to go over later.
a. learner b. mentor c. assessor
115. When you teach students how to look for specific details in a text you are showing them how to
a. skip b. scan c. skim
116. Like the skill of listening, reading is typically classified as a
a. receptive skill
b. productive skill
c. reproductive skill
117. KWL asks students to determine what they
a. Know, Want to know, Learned
b. Keep in their heads, Write down, Let go
c. are Keen about, Willing to learn, Looking for
118. Writing is a
a. receptive skill
b. productive skill
119. Part of a lesson that gives learners the chance to use what they've just been taught in a structured way is called
a. guided practice
b. free practice
c. teaching practice
120. Which activity does not give learners controlled pronunciation practice?
a. Listening to words and ticking the ones you hear
b. Saying a list of words all containing the same problem phoneme
c. Repeating sentences and beating their rhythm at the same time
121. Which activity do not develop interactive speaking skills?
a. Role-plays
b. Information-gap
c. Substitution drills
122. Which activities do not involve an information gap?
a. True/False questions
b. Surveys
c. Problem Solving
123. Which activity does not develop listening for gist?
a. Listening to choose a title for a text
b. Listening to decide how many speakers there are
c. Listening to draw a route a map
124. Mr.Wood rarely uses paragraphs or punctuation in his writing. He needs...
a. Grammar exercises
b. Controlled practice activities
c. Guided writing activities
125. Her English is really good but she still makes some elementary mistakes in writing. She needs...
a. Proofreading technique
b. Peer correction
c. Grammar rules
126. These learners are mainly kinaesthetic
a. The learners in groups tell a story based on a series of picture they look at
b. The learners go round the class reading posters made made by the other groups
c. The learners listen to a recording about an athlete and fill in a table
127. Their learners are age 7-8
a. The learners explain the difference between guessing and deducing meaning
b. The learners give one another their homework for proof reading
c. The learners use pictures to talk about their favorite sport
128. The activity which is not an example of INTERACTION
a. the learner listened to a recording and wrote down the words he didn't know
b. a learner discussed with his teacher why his answer was correct
c. a group of learners designed a poster together
129. The activity which is not an example of PARAPHRASING
a. The learners read one another's emails and underlined and corrected the mistakes
b. The learners used prompts to write new sentence with the same meaning but different words from the original sentence
c. The learner summarised the contents of his recent presentation for his classmates
130. A test that measures talent for a specific type of ability is a(n)
a. Achievement test
b. Summative assessment
c, Aptitude test
d. Personality test

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