Nanotechnology Applications in Africa: Opportunities and Constraints
IOP Conf. Series: Materials
Science and Engineering 805 (2020) 012031
IOP Publishing
+ 2H
+ Ca(OH)
It is a by-product from acetylene gas (C
) production [6]. Acetylene gas find application in
ripening of fruits, a veritable choice for heating processes such as flame heating, flame gouging,
welding, flame hardening, thermal spraying and other heating applications [7]. However, in
Nigeria, acetylene gas finds application in oxy-acetylene gas welding. The carbide residue
(CCW) is disposed as waste which is becoming a health hazard [8]. Also, CCW contains
and is alkaline with pH greater than twelve [9]. To mitigate
this negative effect on the
environment, attempts were made to use CCW positively in both building and construction
industry. When CCW is mixed with rice husk ash (RHA), pozzolanic reaction occurs and mortar
produced from this mix has a compressive strength of 15 MPa at 28 days [10].
It has been shown that cement paste and concrete containing CCW at 1 % addition of CCW had
initial and final setting times of 78 % and 57 % of control values, but increased in consistency by
14 % [11]. Also 5 % addition of CCW to PC mix, increased consistency but decreased the setting
times [12]. From these results, CCW can influence properties of PC blended cement such as
consistency and setting times. Consistency can be said to be the extent of wetness or dryness; an
indication that a concrete sample is workable or not through the entire process of concreting
operations (transportation,
placement, finishing) without segregation. RHA mortar paste has
higher consistency compared with control paste values. The consistency increases with increase
in replacement level of PC with RHA [13-15]. This is not unconnected with the natural structure
of RHA with large surface area [16]. The adsorption capacity, high fineness and specific surface
area require more water [17, 18] which could be as high as 100 % [19]. The use of RHA of high
fineness also leads to increased water demand as opined in earlier studies [20-22. From the effect
of RHA and RHA-CCW in concrete, the setting time of RHA mortar decreased compared with
that for RHA-CCW mortar [23].
Rice husk ash (RHA) is a pozzolanic material which is produced by incineration of (RH) under
controlled temperature (550- 800
C), time and rate of burning. When it is incinerated under
conditions, highly reactive amorphous silica (SiO
) is obtained. At incineration temperature
above 700
C, the amorphous SiO
changes to a crystalline SiO
(Cristoballite, Quartz and
Tridymite) and below 500
C, the product has high LOI which affects rate of reaction. In the
aforementioned cases, the reactivity of RHA is greatly decreased. It has been shown to have low
specific gravity [24], hence finds application in the making of light weight building materials. It
Nanotechnology Applications in Africa: Opportunities and Constraints
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
805 (2020) 012031
IOP Publishing
has been reported that when PC is replaced at 10 % level, optimum workability and strength is
obtained [25]. Its usage improves concrete properties; mitigate global
warming and waste
disposal problems [26, 27]. In a study [28], the physico-chemical and hardened properties of
blended cement binders containing RHA and (MK), there was an increase in water demand and
setting times. MK is a highly reactive alumino silicate and alumina. These oxides combine with
slake lime (Ca(OH)
at ambient temperature with moisture to form compounds that were
virtually identical to the compounds in hydrated Portland cement. MK is widely used for its
highly pozzolanic properties and considered to have twice the reactivity of most other pozzolans
and considered a very viable admixture. It is not like other SCMs like fly ash, silica fume which
are by-products of an industrial process. When kaolin clay is calcined within a temperature range
of 650
C, metakaolin is obtained; a relatively new material
in the concrete industry,
effective in strength development and mitigates sulphate attack. The pozzolanic reactions
changed the microstructure of concrete and chemistry of hydration products by consuming the
released CH to form more calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), thus enhancing properties of mortar
and concrete [29]. When PC is replaced with MK, up to 20 % increase in strength and good
results in other variables were obtained when compared with control values. The use of MK as a
supplement in concrete up to 20 % can reduce cost of cement and also mitigates negative
environmental pollution due to cement production.
Results so far analyzed indicated prolonged consistency and setting times. Since pozzolans
enhance both fresh and hardened properties and ensure the production of concrete at minimum
cost, there has been increasing use of pozzolans both in the building and construction industry.
Although CCW as a pozzolan improves strength of concrete, it prolongs setting due to its low
pozzolanicity. However, (MK) though improves
early strength development, lowers workability
due to high heat of hydration which is detrimental to hardened properties of mortar and concrete.
It is also weak in magnesium sulphate environment as well as at high temperatures. But when
RHA replaced PC, it accelerates the early hydration of Tri-calcium silicate (C
S) and increase in
the early hydration rate of C
S which is attributed to its high fineness [30]; but due to its porous
nature, absorbs more water. Thus, extent of scope of application of binary blends of CCW, MK,
RHA and the ternary blends of CCW-MK, and MK-RHA in building and construction industry
may be limited. However, the multiple applications of these admixtures in the form of blended
binders have the potential to compensate for the differences due to their synergistic interactions.
Nanotechnology Applications in Africa: Opportunities and Constraints
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
805 (2020) 012031
IOP Publishing
Hence, this study was set out to evaluate the fresh properties of blended binders containing RHA,
CCW and MK with a view to determine its suitability as a retarder or accelerator in concrete
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