101 Interviews: Holding a Formal Conversation
• strategic, policy, confidential or security matters;
• tasks involving discipline over the person’s peers.
Having decided what to delegate, ask these questions:
• What skills, experience, expertise and qualifications are
necessary for the task?
• Whose skills profile best matches the need?
• What further training or support would be necessary?
Look for people’s interest in work that they haven’t already done,
or have maybe shown some aptitude for in unusual
circumstances (covering for somebody else, coping in a crisis).
Look for abilities that are exercised elsewhere: in another part of
their work, or perhaps outside work.
Holding the interview
As with other kinds of interview, you can structure the
interview to give yourself the best possible chance of success.
• Welcome
. Explain the purpose of the interview. Begin by
making the request. ‘I should like to discuss with you
the possibility of delegating x.’ Explain the task you are
considering delegating, and why you have thought of
the interviewee as the best person to do the task.
Explain that their position is an open one: they should
feel under no obligation until they have clearly
understood the question you are asking.
• Acquire
. Ask the jobholder to explore their
understanding of the issue and how they might see
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