обрабатываемой информации соответствует требованиям стан
дартов и других нормативных документов.
Himoyaning kafilligi
- ishlanadigan axborot xavfsizligining
standartlar va boshqa me’yoriy hujjatlar talablariga mosligini tas-
diqlovchi axborotni ishlovchi texnik vositalarga moslik sertifikati-
ning yoki informatika obyektiga attestatning mavjudligi.
Security accredidation
- a certificate of conformity to the
technical means of information processing or certificate for Infor
matics to confirming that the security of information processed
complies with the standards and other normative documents.
- составная часть транслятора, выполняющая
генерацию машинных команд.
- mashina komandalarini generatsiyalovchi trans-
lyatoming tarkibiy qismi.
- part of the translator performs the generation of
machine instructions.
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