Foundation for Humanitarian
and Social Research
French Red Cross
2022 expenditure: EUR 964,000
The French Red Cross Foundation is a public
utility dedicated to research, with the goal of
improving practices in the fields of humanitar-
ian and social action,
in France and abroad, by
supporting researchers and developing collabo-
rations with academic institutions.
It grants several postdoctoral fellowships and
awards research prizes every year to research-
ers working on its priority thematic areas: access
to health and epidemics, risks and disasters, and
migration and population movements.
The foundation works closely with employees
and volunteers, together with their National
Societies, on issues specific to the field. The
foundation is also
an active member of the
research consortium RC3, which brings together
the global expertise and reference centres of the
IFRC, National Societies, and the ICRC.
In 2022, the number of researchers supported or
awarded by the foundation reached 100, which
prompted a reflection on how to help practition-
ers secure
research results directly, put them
into practice, and promote
the social innovation
that may arise from these results.
For more information, please visit:
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